Speed cameras are coming to Chicago.

Aldermen on Wednesday signed off on Mayor Rahm Emanuel's plan to put the traffic cameras near parks and schools. The ordinance passed 33 to 14.


Dunno what such reactionary/conservatives are doing reading the WBEZ blog, but there are several super unproductive comments. If you have a minute and care, you might want to respond to some of them.

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What do the red light cameras do with the buses that run red lights?

You know what I don't imagine. That drivers will not stand by and get hit with "revenue generators" while bikers get away with whatever they like. Can't wait to be hit with tickets because a bunch of "holier than thou" bikers couldn't STFU. Once again, enjoy your tickets.

Dan I got a good one I dreamed up and I had another guy in the truck at the time so he must have dreamed it too. While driving in the loop a shit bag on a fixie blasted the light at Lake and Wacker and almost ended up dead (he thumped on the truck out of anger at some imagined slight) but I'm a good driver and didn't kill him. I did slow down and roll my window down. I let him catch up and asked if he had rolled that stop sign and then hit my truck. There was a pause, then he said he did. I told him to do it again...He didn't. I called him a douchebag and drove on. Douchebag shoulda got a ticket.

So you think drivers will stand by and get hit with "revenue generators"?

Gabe said:

You know what I don't imagine. That drivers will not stand by and get hit with "revenue generators" while bikers get away with whatever they like.

Ya know Duppie I do ya genius You and david can look for the missing apostrophe up his rear in the mean time as a responsible cyclist i forwarded my idea along to the mayors office Keep laughing douchebag

Another great example of an "almost."  Thanks for proving my point.

Gabe said:

Dan I got a good one I dreamed up and I had another guy in the truck at the time so he must have dreamed it too. While driving in the loop a shit bag on a fixie blasted the light at Lake and Wacker and almost ended up dead (he thumped on the truck out of anger at some imagined slight) but I'm a good driver and didn't kill him. I did slow down and roll my window down. I let him catch up and asked if he had rolled that stop sign and then hit my truck. There was a pause, then he said he did. I told him to do it again...He didn't. I called him a douchebag and drove on. Douchebag shoulda got a ticket.

Ahhh, I see. "Almost" makes his illegal behavior legal in your mind. Makes perfect sense. Next time I'll run the dumb shit down. So many bikers suffering from head-up-ass syndrome. :-)

Ahhh, I see.  "Almost" makes your immoral behavior moral in your mind.  Makes perfect sense.  A minor traffic offense (misdemeanor) is totally justification for taking the law into your own hands and being Judge, Jury, & Executioner to carry out the ultimate in the death penalty on the subhuman scofflaw!

So many cagers suffering from head-up-ass syndrome. :-)

James do you even ride a bike? I enjoy talking about the folks on Chainlink that post stupid shit on every discussion but no one knows who they are. You're name comes up pretty often.

1) speeding is also a minor offense but thank god we're gonna crack down on that and not a-holes running stops and lights.

2) What do you think happens when a biker blows a stop or light and a driver doesn't have time to stop? They end up dead.

Keep talkin dumbass.

You caught me Gabe.  I'm a computer AI...

A computer would likely be smarter.



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