I got a spam email this morning, some diet plan link, which I naturally did not open.  But the source appeared to be (and the headers confirmed) it was Robert Vaughters, famous (notorious?) owner of Shining Bikes/5600 Bikes. 

Of course these things usually come from someone's email address that has been hacked, or spoofed.  But he has seemed to be such a shady character I am not so sure in this case.

I have no idea how he might have gotten my email info, certainly I never emailed him or his crappy shop. 

Anyone else get this? 

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I didn't get it ; but the (very ) little I know about spambots is that they generate an email for (pretty much) every combination of letters, numbers, etc. in an email address; and the emails to  non-existing accounts just bounce back. I'm sure the geeks can correct me here.

You should look at the emails we get to numerous different variations of @thechainlink.org.  


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