South Side Ride of Silence? (Closed-- see new ROS planning thread).

Elizabeth mentioned on some other discussion sometime back that 'someone' should organize a south side ride of silence.

I thought I'd put out feelers and see who might be interested in making this happen, or just participating.

I'd be willing to take on getting ghost bikes made and placed in advance of the ride  (all of the sites we'd visit either have had their bikes removed or are waiting to have one made.)


New thread:

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OK, Time to get some bikes made.

Looks like Manny and "El Barton" are the only ones willing to help with that.

I don't find message boards a reliable way to coordinate-- can I get contact info?
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h' 1.0 said:

Excellent-- sounds like we're neighbors (24/Rockwell here).

"Dad's" bike will be replaced.  Any chance you've heard if possibly a neighbor near 18th and Morgan put that bike in storage? I'd assume they just left it laying there when they took the post down.

Here are the bikes we need to prepare:

Jackie M- Wabash and Wacker

Ryan B- 18th/Clark

Frederick K- 18th/ Morgan

Yuan Z-24th/Archer

I don't suppose anyone here knew, or knows anyone who knew Ryan?

"El Barton"- you out there? Anyone?

Would love to ride...


The ride issue is settled. Looking for help getting some bikes ready.

I don't know how I'm going to find time to assemble materials and get them to you. Way too much going on right now.

I could help. I have a bike that could be used. Let me know what you need and if there is something that I caould do.

Are you available Sunday afternoon or evening?

I was thinking the next two Sundays could be workdays.

Only looking to use bikes that have no potential to be restored for riding.

I will rummage around tonight and see what I can find.

Basically for signs, something like a 24"x24" piece of plywood that has 4 corner holes drilled, and is sealed with a coating of white exterior latex (or at least interior trim paint) is what's needed to paint on.

I came back to close this thread and point to the new mean and lean planning thread-- sorry I'm too late to divert your post...

New thread:


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