The Chainlink

South Side Ride of Silence? (Closed-- see new ROS planning thread).

Elizabeth mentioned on some other discussion sometime back that 'someone' should organize a south side ride of silence.

I thought I'd put out feelers and see who might be interested in making this happen, or just participating.

I'd be willing to take on getting ghost bikes made and placed in advance of the ride  (all of the sites we'd visit either have had their bikes removed or are waiting to have one made.)


New thread:

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DId the meeting happen? Any results?

To refocus-- I'm in need of a target for which to prepare and place a handful of ghost bikes that are missing from downtown to Pershing. Seemed like there was forward momentum until talk of the RoS meeting entered in.  Any help getting unstuck here appreciated.


I am in for the South Side RoS.

If you let me know what and where you need me, I may be able to give you a helping hand.

Thanks, Manny!

Here's a general list of needed GBs that the ride could include:

Jackie M- downtown

Ryan B- 18th/Clark

Frederick K- Pilsen

Yuan Z-24th/Archer

Robert Felice-Bronzeville

I would also like to work in a stop for Martha Gonzalez at 18th and Halsted.  Ideas for a fitting installation for a pedestrian victim of automotive violence appreciated.

Willow, wondering if you might be willing/able to host a sign making night about a week before the event.

I could swear there was an event listing for last week?

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

It was discussed, but never listed and never happened.

h' 1.0 said:

I could swear there was an event listing for last week?

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

Why not just a single Ride of Silence that visits both the north and south sides?

Route Planning is on the calendar for this week... we may host a follow-up meeting next week, too.

All are welcome to attend:

Meeting Details:

Thursday, April 4, from 6-7:30 pm.

We will meet at the Corner Bakery on the 2nd level of Ogilvie Station.

Did the meeting happen? Any results?

This meeting DID happen.

We have not had anyone or any group yet volunteer to lead a ROS going south.

At this point we are considering a single ROS that starts at Daley Plaza and ends near Daley Plaza, to include the ghost bike as far north as Oak and Wells and as far south as Pilsen.

So - a list of bikes we could potentially visit would be

Jackie M- downtown

Patrick - Huron/Orleans

Clint - LaSalle/Oak

Neill - Oak/Wells

Ryan B- 18th/Clark

Frederick K- Pilsen

Yuan Z-24th/Archer - ??

+ a recognition of Martha Gonzalez

If you're interested in mapping a route, please let me know.


I can help with a route. Give me a target mileage. Most likely will go south first and then north.

Neill's bike might be a good ending point for various reasons.

Need to have things nailed down very soon so bikes can be placed in time.

Can someone report on the current condition of Patrick's bike?


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