My previous post was tongue-in-cheek (think Colbert Report) and meant to be humorous (not sarcastic or angry). I thought it was obvious but apparently not to everyone. It was intended to lampoon the prejudicial nature of some anti-helmet stances that pretend to be open minded while accusing all those that are pro-helmet of being closed minded or foolish. I wish only to defend the pro-helmet stance as an intellectual argument as well as an emotional one as I believe it has both of those components. I understand that some cyclists and laymen (non-cyclist, casual observers) can be offensive in there tone against the unhelmeted and I don't want to "pile-on" even if I generally agree with their position. I probably won't ever really know if I need to wear a helmet but it does seem quite reasonable to me that might come in handy for its intended purpose. Since it is such an inexpensive and easy thing to do; any position against (to me) appears untenable.

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Were you referring to the "Good Reasons to Not Wear a Helmet" post? 

That was actually a fun thread, no need to apologize if that's what the apology was about. 

Personally, I like wearing a helmet so I can attach my heads up display rear view mirror to it. Now that's a safety feature I use all the time. I hope I never have an actual need for the benefits provided by the helmet itself. 

But if you really feel the need for repentance and self flagellation, try this contortion (no helmet required), but then again, if you did wear a helmet, it would be even more painful.

Masochist to sadist, "hit me." Sadist to masochist, "no."


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