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Hate to be all 'further evidence our society is disintegrating', but since when did it become necessary to point out that a driver "stayed on the scene"?  Do we need to commend people for decent human behavior now?


At least they didn't feel the need to point out the driver wasn't drunk (ie this therefore being an unavoidable act of god).





T.C. O'Rourke said:

Hate to be all 'further evidence our society is disintegrating', but since when did it become necessary to point out that a driver "stayed on the scene"?  Do we need to commend people for decent human behavior now?




Unfortunately that seems to be the case.  I've been in contact this week with a guy in Texas who was hit from behind and the driver didn't stop.  The driver was later found, but the cops decided not to ticket him.  It's beyond my comprehension that this sort of thing can happen with no repercussions.  Cops write tickets all the time for offenses that are basically victimless, yet  someone can be so obviously harmed, and the offender walks. 





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