

     Was skating at Wilson skatepark early Oct. Getting ready to head home (bike unlocked sitting along with other kids bikes) I turned round to say goodbye for a max of 2 mins and when I looked back , my bike was gone. 


    So yesterday I was there skating around and enjoying being off work and outside when a kid shows up on a bike that I knew was mine. He changed the pedals, seat, bars and wheels. But I knew my frame from across the park. The scratches, the knicks and dings. It was mine.  


I called up KevinC to ask what the best way of going about getting it back would be, but unfortunately, because I bought a Crosslakesales Bike off ebay (cheap no name brane) It had no cerial number. So without that there was no real way of proving to the police that it was mine. But I didnt want to let this kid run around on my cheap bike so I got an idea. 


I called the kid over after telling a few other people about the situation (a few of them were there the night it was stolen)  and questioned him about how he acquired the bike. He admitted that he bought the frame from a friend and that he knew it was stolen(i'm a pretty good judge of character and I felt lie he was square with me , he didn't steal it, he just knew it was stolen).So I knew I had him all I had to do was tell him that I was going to call the cops over because I had already filed a police report. So he had a choice to either let me have my frame back (which I always have a full tool kit to tear everything down but a BB) or I would just call the cops and they would just give me his entire bike and he would have a record. (tehe) So at least he could leave with his junky parts that I had no interest in having.  He decided to do that. So I got my really crappy cheap frame back, I know its not like getting back a super nice road bike, but I now have my old frame to make into a winter commuter/beater, and a overwhelming joy of a small victory. 


I know many of you can understand , it might not be an expensive, pretty, or admirable bike, But Its Yours! and you don't want anyone to steal it. 


So yeah I just wanted to share my small victory. 



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great story. you seemed to handle that tricky situation very well.

I tried to stay calm and in control the entire time. All I had was to see if the kid would call my bluff, and thankfully his conscience helped him make the right decision. I wanted to be nice about it because I have had my share of stupid decisions in life and thankfully I have always been lucky enough to make the right decisions to make them right. So I tried to give him the same opportunity.  


Now its time to find some new pedals , wheels, bars and a brake! (fun parts of getting to build it up the way I want it now!) 



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