Someone give me the secret tip for removing super tight pedals!

I've got my pedal wrench, I know the left pedal is reverse thread, tried holding the opposite pedal down with my foot, but I can't get them off. These are the ones that the shop installed when I got the bike so I would think they greased them and didn't cross-thread them. Incidentally, these are the pedals that I'm blaming for my 2mph fall at MM Saturday night.

So, what's the trick to getting them off? I can't seem to generate enough leverage, don't want to round off the flats on the pedal or the wrench.


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I would have liked to see the results of a comparison to the effort required without cursing, while thinking "loose" thoughts.

Cameron Puetz said:

Cursing always seems to help. When that fails making the bike sit in the corner and think about what it did can also help. 

Vando said:


A vice and a whole lotta cursing took care of it! Thanks for the advice guys.

I have a mantra when things start getting tough, "James always wins."  

He always does (except when he loses spectacularly but he wins because he gets to go buy new stuff and new tools)

Sometimes I speak in tongues and make up my own curses when the spirit moves me -or I swear like Yosemite Sam.  Rassin' Frassin' varmit!!!


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