Some last stuff before I go (trailers, racks, misc. stuff) and a good bye

I'm preparing to travel for as long as I can fund it, and am leaving on Sunday for the first leg of my travels--back home to Washington State, up to Alaska, and then around the Pacific Northwest.  After that I'll be back in Illinois for a bit, doing RAGBRAI and am then going to take off heading East via bike, stopping to twist balloons and blog about the trip at


I also wanted to say thank you to all of the people that I've gotten to know because of this website. This really seems to be a rather special place on the Internets...while there is quite a bit of rancor on these forums sometimes, the way that the Chainlink connects people to be able to do real activities together is incredible.


Without hestitation, I can say that I've met some of my best friends because of this site and have been inspired by dozens more of the people I've gotten to know. This makes it incredibly hard to leave Chicago.


Time constraints are keeping me from having a gathering before I head to the Northwest, but I hope to have a get together after RAGBRAI and before I head off on my bike journey. for the stuff...


I've already gotten rid of most of my stuff, but I have a few things left - I live in Lincoln Square and can be home for you to pick them up tonight (Wednesday) or tomorrow Thursday, or Saturday if necessary. Prices are certainly negotiable.


Deleted items have been claimed. 


Trek Rear Rack $10

Standard Trek rear rack. It came with my 520 and is rated for 50 lbs.  I upgraded just last week. It's definitely been used, but it still seems to be in fine shape.


Random Furniture


If anyone needs a dresser, I have a 6 drawer, low dresser that you can just have. It's solid wood, holds a lot, but is overall nothing special.

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Replies to This Discussion

Jami - I wish you the best of luck with your bike travels!  If the Lowrider Front Rack is still available, I'd like to buy it. Please email me details to pick it up. Thanks
Safe travels, Jami.
Safe travels Jami!  Looking forward to reading your site.
Safe travels Jami! Hope you have a great time.
All the best Jami. Have a safe trip!
ditto from Dan. Please keep us posted about your adventures Jami. it has been great seeing you over the past couple of years. all the best
Good luck Jami! 

That is the best and most worthy endeavor I have heard of in a spell.  Good luck, have fun and be well. 

Safe travels Jami.  I will look forward to your blog and seeing you again one day!
Have a great trip!
Bon voyage (and safe too!!) Jami.  It was great meeting you on Sunday.  I hope our paths cross again!
We / I'm going to miss you ! !!! very much ! Good luck. & do be safe . Please come visit us at A.P.B. When are you leaving? Would it be to late to have a farewell ride?


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