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I've been thinking about doing this myself. It could get rid of those fucking douche bag Cubs fans.
That's f-ed up!!! I was riding my bike through there at the very time this was all happening. I have to admit though, it was the absolute worst I have ever experienced on that stretch in all my years in Chicago. I was amazed I got through there alive due to the highest level of d-baggery I have ever seen. I was confused till I got home and my wife told me there was a Dave Matthews Band show that night and it all made sense. No wonder people were extra oblivious to the world around them that night.
from beginning to the end, the kid (22-yrs old) was completely lead on by agents (to move beyond verbal crap). this is major BS just for the fbi to pat themselves on the back. the kid is probably an ass, but obviously by no means a criminal mastermind. he is a casualty of a fbi public-relation.
Talk about biting off more than you can chew.

"Houssoun had also discussed other violent plots in Chicago, including a biological attack on the city, poisoning Lake Michigan, attacking police officers, bombing the Willis Tower and assassinating Mayor Richard Daley, the FBI said."
I agree that he was probably led on by agents, but that just means that this was a sting operation rather than a thwarted bombing attack. And that's OK with me. Just as I think it's a good thing for agents to go out and try to find public officials who are ready and willing to be bribed, it seems like a good thing to go out and try to find people who are ready and willing to plant explosives in public places and commit mass murder.

If they had arrested him at the planning stage based just on things he said, I'd feel a lot more wary here. But geez, assuming the charges are correct, this guy took what he thought was an explosive and put it where he was hoping it would kill people. He's more than just an ass.

thang van ung said:
from beginning to the end, the kid (22-yrs old) was completely lead on by agents (to move beyond verbal crap). this is major BS just for the fbi to pat themselves on the back. the kid is probably an ass, but obviously by no means a criminal mastermind. he is a casualty of a fbi public-relation.
I don't know, I might have supported bombing Douche-apalooza. The national IQ mean might have gone up 2-3%

If you wanna talk about f-ed up things, allow me to regurgitate some dialogue overheard on the Red Line to Belmont:
"Are you a virgin?
No, I'm 8.
Oh, I'm 36.
What are you two talking about?
Number of times we've seem Dave Mathews, silly!"
I couldn't have said it better myself.

David said:
I agree that he was probably led on by agents, but that just means that this was a sting operation rather than a thwarted bombing attack. And that's OK with me. Just as I think it's a good thing for agents to go out and try to find public officials who are ready and willing to be bribed, it seems like a good thing to go out and try to find people who are ready and willing to plant explosives in public places and commit mass murder.
If they had arrested him at the planning stage based just on things he said, I'd feel a lot more wary here. But geez, assuming the charges are correct, this guy took what he thought was an explosive and put it where he was hoping it would kill people. He's more than just an ass.
there is a big distinction between plots of dissidence and systemic corruption (e.g. bribery). mainly, the power that is bestowed upon that person w/in the given time frame. the plotters power is attained for the event/crime, whilst corruption is power already present. thus i makes little sense to tackle the issues in the same manner. w/o the fbi's aide, the guy would have remained an (absolutely huge) ass -- real terrorist organizations wouldn't touch this blabber mouth w/ a 1000yard pole.
Did this guy REALLY think some terrorist guys were just going to give him a bomb to go set out wherever he wanted to put it? -that they had all these extra bombs laying around which they didn't know what to do with and just needed to find some guys like him to go and set them out? -terrorist cell labor shortage?

What I'd like to know is how long this guy was living here. The AP says he is 22 and a citizen of Lebanon, but was he also a product of Chicago Public Schools? On the surface I'd say there is a good chance of that ;)

Is there really a need to be an apologist for this individual's actions?

Its not like the FBI came up to him out of the blue and asked if he wanted to plant a bomb in Wrigleville. He approached an individual of his own volution, who coincidently happened to be cooperating with the FBI, to ask for help in planning an attack in Chicago. He then took a substantial step towards the commission of that attack, including actually planting what he thought was a device with the potential to kill several people. Just because he may not be the sharpest tool in the shed (thank the stars) doesn't mean he isn't criminally culpable in this case.

thang van ung said:
there is a big distinction between plots of dissidence and systemic corruption (e.g. bribery). mainly, the power that is bestowed upon that person w/in the given time frame. the plotters power is attained for the event/crime, whilst corruption is power already present. thus i makes little sense to tackle the issues in the same manner. w/o the fbi's aide, the guy would have remained an (absolutely huge) ass -- real terrorist organizations wouldn't touch this blabber mouth w/ a 1000yard pole.
this is major BS just for the fbi to pat themselves on the back

Yup. To everyone who doesn't have any problem with this, think about something: Exactly how many schizos do you think the FBI has to string along with encouragement from undercovers and fake bombs for every one they actually pick up? And exactly how many schizos do you think you personally could talk into planting a fake bomb somewhere if that was your full time job?

The point isn't that it's okay for guys to go around planting fake bombs they think are real, it's that this is a laughably transparent PR stunt. I live in Hyde Park, if this was my job I have to think I could round up at least a half dozen nutjobs as 'dangerous' as this guy without walking more than two blocks in any direction from my house.
The biggest issue I have with this whole "sting" is the fact that the guy this nutjob contacted in what he thought was a bunch of radical terrorist types was actually an FBI agent.

Think about this. The FBI already had a deep-cover agent inside some suspected terrorist cell. Who knows how many resources and man-hours went into planting this guy there?

And then they "use" up this resource to bust this doofus? Don't you think he's totally blown his cover with the other guys now? There is this whole bunch of guys who know that this guy is now an FBI agent and that they are being watched now that all of this has gone down. Now they are going to be 10x as careful and 10x as hard to keep an eye on.

Slick move guys! -or were the other guys a dead end too so this is the best they could do, busting this idiot to get some return out of their investment?

But nobody in the news even mentions THIS point. In fact, while looking for the original article I notice that the news isn't even mentioning this fact any more. The FBI just blew a perfectly good asset to arrest this yahoo whom we all pretty much agree wasn't much of a real threat and just a blowhard.

Dr. Doom said:
this is major BS just for the fbi to pat themselves on the back
Yup. To everyone who doesn't have any problem with this, think about something: Exactly how many schizos do you think the FBI has to string along with encouragement from undercovers and fake bombs for every one they actually pick up? And exactly how many schizos do you think you personally could talk into planting a fake bomb somewhere if that was your full time job? The point isn't that it's okay for guys to go around planting fake bombs they think are real, it's that this is a laughably transparent PR stunt. I live in Hyde Park, if this was my job I have to think I could round up at least a half dozen nutjobs as 'dangerous' as this guy without walking more than two blocks in any direction from my house.


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