What the F are we to do about cabbies? They are the main culprit in bad driver/biker relations. I want to know how to resolve this ugly thing. I had a run in with one tonight and I am about to go Charles Bronson on they ass! I am actually, at this point, out for blood! I can't take this shit any more! Why can't I bike home without some asshole cabbie cutting me off or acting aggressively towards me? I am just trying to get home! I assume they have the same goal? So what is the big issue that divides us? They want the road to themselves, period! So what to do?

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Cabbies don;t need special regulation, they just need to be held to the laws that every driver of a motor vehicle is.

You are 100% right on why they are worse, they are worried about making a buck and take chances.

jen said:
They're trying to make money (and the faster they move, the more money they can possibly make) ... that's the difference.

I have no idea what cabbies have to go through to become cabbies. Based on observing them, I assume there's no driving test involved.

There definitely needs to be more regulation / auditing of cabbies. Very recently, I, myself, was almost run down by one as I crossed the street on the white man icon. Said cabbie was turning right and decided he had priority. The worst part ... there was a biker cop 100 ft away that watched it all happen and didn't flinch.
While I am gleefully arguing with you about trucking I have to agree 110% with all you said here...

Crazed zealotry like that are what make many of the problems for cyclists; sad but true we are the minority and this is not likely to change anytime soon so if we want to have safe streets that are nice to ride in we need to work with motorists and car culture to make things better.

Jessica said:
HOLY COW! You are whining and moaning about their english skills?!?

My head exploded reading all your spelling errors and misuses of the English language.

Their, there, and they're. Learn them.


License, not however the hell you were spelling it.

Can I see your statistics on how many people they've killed? More than ANY war? Wow. Talk about gross overgeneralization.

An underlining mission, huh? Really? Is that like highlighting?

You'd feel safer in Afghanistan, huh? Why don't you head on out then. If you don't like riding, DON'T.

Ignorant ass people. YOU are the reason they hate us. We are to SHARE the road. NO ONE has to or 'should' do it like us. (BTW, easy on the 'us'. I'd rather not be associated with people like you.)

Cutifly had it right. If you can't look out for yourself, just quit it all together.
My family owns a business that sends upwards of 10 pallets a day, so I hear ya. =) Every trucker that I've talked to tells me their regulations... and I was only reporting what I've heard.

I don't want to give them a bad rep, ya know? People toy with them on the highways and roads, people who have never pulled a trailer of any sort in their life, and have no idea what they're screwing with.

I don't generally follow the 'right-of-way' laws per say. I tend to follow the rule of 'who will get creamed?' and stay the hell outta there. lol
Palletized freight frequently goes via van lines and they are much stricter then smaller lines and brokers.

Don't get me wrong, a lot of drivers are great, safe, driver but there are others who can not even properly back their truck into my dock.

Jessica said:
My family owns a business that sends upwards of 10 pallets a day, so I hear ya. =) Every trucker that I've talked to tells me their regulations... and I was only reporting what I've heard.

I don't want to give them a bad rep, ya know? People toy with them on the highways and roads, people who have never pulled a trailer of any sort in their life, and have no idea what they're screwing with.

I don't generally follow the 'right-of-way' laws per say. I tend to follow the rule of 'who will get creamed?' and stay the hell outta there. lol
There is no spell check or grammer correction on this site! Nor do have time to proof my ranting. Satistics? Open the newspaper and do a daily comparsion, I think you will come to see automobiles kill a lot a people. At least you carry a gun in war and shoot back when your life is threatened. And I'm to old, military won't take me. I feel you really twisted around my random thoughts and condemed me as a fellow cyclist. By the way wasn't this disscusion about how shitty cabbies? Not how many pallettes we put a on a truck, and the who hell rides there bike on the highway. Don't even get me started on the behavior I see on that highway. (And yes I give the most respect and room to truckers, they got it tough.)

I obviously ruffled some feathers for professionals that live and die by gasoline. (which includes my own job!)

There is some good info here, like what TC shared! Or some stories that should provoke us to watch out for are own safety, because obviously no one else will.

Personnally, I tried to avoid contact with all drivers, phsyically and verbally. I consider everyone on the road to be my neighbor just having a bad day. Of course there bad day maybe life!

Jessica said:
HOLY COW! You are whining and moaning about their english skills?!?

My head exploded reading all your spelling errors and misuses of the English language.

Their, there, and they're. Learn them.


License, not however the hell you were spelling it.

Can I see your statistics on how many people they've killed? More than ANY war? Wow. Talk about gross overgeneralization.

An underlining mission, huh? Really? Is that like highlighting?

You'd feel safer in Afghanistan, huh? Why don't you head on out then. If you don't like riding, DON'T.

Ignorant ass people. YOU are the reason they hate us. We are to SHARE the road. NO ONE has to or 'should' do it like us. (BTW, easy on the 'us'. I'd rather not be associated with people like you.)

Cutifly had it right. If you can't look out for yourself, just quit it all together.
Butt out of conversations you aren't part of. I wasn't talking to you about the truckers. K?

You said that CABBIES kill more people than any war. Not just cars. You also insulted their use of language, when I've seen a third grader type and spell better than you.

I bike my way around just fine. I just get annoyed with people like you who don't understand how to SHARE the road, and have the GALL to insult someone else's job. They aren't out there driving aggressively because it's fun. They need to feed their families, too.
WOW, ur not a very nice person?

Good Luck in Life?

Let me just lie down and die for your family in this free country!

Jessica said:
Butt out of conversations you aren't part of. I wasn't talking to you about the truckers. K?

You said that CABBIES kill more people than any war. Not just cars. You also insulted their use of language, when I've seen a third grader type and spell better than you.

I bike my way around just fine. I just get annoyed with people like you who don't understand how to SHARE the road, and have the GALL to insult someone else's job. They aren't out there driving aggressively because it's fun. They need to feed their families, too.
Actually Firefox and IE both have spell check plug in available for them which makes life for people like me easier but before that I used to take the extra 15 seconds to type my post in Word and cut and paste because you will always be better received if you are at least close to grammatically correct and have 90% of the words spelled properly...

Of course I really don't think that would have been an issue if you had not been ranting like mad bout other peoples English skills is a quite hypocritical manner; if you can not take a minutes time to check your written words posted in public are correct why should a cabbie work towards better English skills?

I am pretty sure that, while the do kill a lot of people, cars are still well under guns and war when it comes to actual lives taken... And you did make a direct comparison.

Sorry if two people having a related side discussion was so much of a distraction...

My ruffled feathers have nothing to do with my jobs dependence on gasoline or highway transport, it has to do with intolerant and, most likely, inaccurate screed. Go back and read what you wrote; do you seriously think any of that is representative of you, 'I considering everyone on the road to be my neighbor' attitude?

pjc jr said:
There is no spell check or grammer correction on this site! Nor do have time to proof my ranting. Satistics? Open the newspaper and do a daily comparsion, I think you will come to see automobiles kill a lot a people. At least you carry a gun in war and shoot back when your life is threatened. And I'm to old, military won't take me. I feel you really twisted around my random thoughts and condemed me as a fellow cyclist. By the way wasn't this disscusion about how shitty cabbies? Not how many pallettes we put a on a truck, and the who hell rides there bike on the highway. Don't even get me started on the behavior I see on that highway. (And yes I give the most respect and room to truckers, they got it tough.)

I obviously ruffled some feathers for professionals that live and die by gasoline. (which includes my own job!)

There is some good info here, like what TC shared! Or some stories that should provoke us to watch out for are own safety, because obviously no one else will.

Personnally, I tried to avoid contact with all drivers, phsyically and verbally. I consider everyone on the road to be my neighbor just having a bad day. Of course there bad day maybe life!

Jessica said:
HOLY COW! You are whining and moaning about their english skills?!?

My head exploded reading all your spelling errors and misuses of the English language.

Their, there, and they're. Learn them.


License, not however the hell you were spelling it.

Can I see your statistics on how many people they've killed? More than ANY war? Wow. Talk about gross overgeneralization.

An underlining mission, huh? Really? Is that like highlighting?

You'd feel safer in Afghanistan, huh? Why don't you head on out then. If you don't like riding, DON'T.

Ignorant ass people. YOU are the reason they hate us. We are to SHARE the road. NO ONE has to or 'should' do it like us. (BTW, easy on the 'us'. I'd rather not be associated with people like you.)

Cutifly had it right. If you can't look out for yourself, just quit it all together.

Where did the 'lay down and die' thing come from?

pjc jr said:
WOW, ur not a very nice person?

Good Luck in Life?

Let me just lie down and die for your family in this free country!

Jessica said:
Butt out of conversations you aren't part of. I wasn't talking to you about the truckers. K?

You said that CABBIES kill more people than any war. Not just cars. You also insulted their use of language, when I've seen a third grader type and spell better than you.

I bike my way around just fine. I just get annoyed with people like you who don't understand how to SHARE the road, and have the GALL to insult someone else's job. They aren't out there driving aggressively because it's fun. They need to feed their families, too.
This seems like a futile debate with merits as low as racism. good, bad, sucks, ok, terrible, great, stereotypes running rampant. There are all types in all styles.
I have almost been hit by cabs, while having others patiently wait while giving me the right of way.
My general feeling where i ride is that cabbies are the, gulp, most experienced drivers on the road. They know what's going on and drive to traffic patterns because it is the bread on their table. With this, I feel that most cab drivers have come to realize that bikes are a part of life/work now. They also understand it helps ease a little congestion, not a lot, but some. The fact that we go through lights and such, safely mind you, also helps with that congestion.
So while there are the ones we wish vengeance upon, I leave it to those specific individuals. I still ride defensively, as if everyone is out to get me, but I am happy to come across the bike-conscious motorist... sadly yet thankfully, it is more often the cabbies which have gone patiently out of their way to accommodate the two-wheelers of the road.
I don't understand where this anger is comming from either.
Thanks "notortious", I appreciate your constructive response to my messy blogging!

The language issue seemed to be a repeat theme in just even providing an address to a cabbie. I personally experienced trying commiuncate this and the guy couldn't figure out how to get there. Isn't this service part of the job.

And I honestly try to believe everyone on the road is my neighbor. It helps keep me in the mindset to not get mad and respect the other road users the way that I would want to be treated. It's hard, especially as a cyclist. It's not a dent in a fender, it's a trip to the hospital or worse.

I do feel the regulations should be tougher! I am willing to take a mandatory driving test every couple years just to help weed out bad drivers. And to help make drivers aware of the laws and the rational reasons behind them. Of course this expense would likely be passed onto all the tax payers and not the individual owners of vehicles.

And no it doesn't bother me where the conversation goes. Like I pointed out. People share a lot good information on this site. And having lots of point of views only enriches the discussion!

Be safe out there!

notoriousDUG said:

Where did the 'lay down and die' thing come from?

pjc jr said:
WOW, ur not a very nice person?

Good Luck in Life?

Let me just lie down and die for your family in this free country!

Jessica said:
Butt out of conversations you aren't part of. I wasn't talking to you about the truckers. K?

You said that CABBIES kill more people than any war. Not just cars. You also insulted their use of language, when I've seen a third grader type and spell better than you.

I bike my way around just fine. I just get annoyed with people like you who don't understand how to SHARE the road, and have the GALL to insult someone else's job. They aren't out there driving aggressively because it's fun. They need to feed their families, too.


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