With bike theft on the rise, some angry cyclists, armed with bike blogs and social-media sites like Twitter, are taking matters into their own hands. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203706604574372742013...

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Do you have a source for your statement of bike theft being on the rise? Or were you trying to say that the awareness of bike theft is on the rise due to efforts like http://chicago.stolenbike.org.
An increase in reports on bike theft does not mean that bike thefts have increased.
This was supposed to be in the discussion http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203706604574372742013.... I don't know why it didn't post.
take a look at the slide show, sheesh. in the first photo, with mckibbon standing next to her bike, you can see the quick-release skewer on the rear wheel. in photo four, where the front wheel and frame are being locked up, you can see the quick-release skewer on the front wheel.

is it any surprise that in photo five, the lost-and-found bicycle has had both quick-release wheels stolen? let's hope the bike shop who sells her a new set of wheels also has the foresight to sell her some locking skewers, or at least a cable leash so her wheels don't get jacked again.


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