Heard this on NPR then googled it. I don't own one and now likely never will.


If the link does not work google "specialized bikes patent troll"

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Best two out of three?

Davis Moore said:

I don't do facebook but I would like all of the posters for clarifying things for me.

Tom Dworzanski wrote:

'I'm more with Specialized on this one. They own the trademark. The guy could should have checked if anyone is using it before starting his business. All that military fluff (which I respect very much but in this context it's fluff) doesn't make him above the law.

If someone wants to argue that "Roubaix" shouldn't be allowed as a trademark, I'll prob agree with you, but as it stands, Specialized is right.'


So when the owner of the Big Red 'S' himself sits down with the Cafe Roubaix owner to apologize and make amends, is he then in the wrong?  Sorry, my man, but we're gonna have to disagree on this one. Spesh was being unreasonable and over-litigious, as they've done in the past on numerous occasions.  I'm glad they decided to take a different course of action and NOT squash a small local bike shop.

I'm still probably never gonna buy one of their bikes, though.



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