I have been waiting for it to happen. I was going down fullerton and the intersection to get on 90 94 i believe.... a car without a blinker turned hit me and threw me on the hood. Didn't get hurt bad just some scrapes. My bike is alright too. Very thankful for that.. but the thing that pissed of off the most was the guy didn't even get out of his car. He rolled down his window and said "you better watch it next time.. you might not be so lucky" haha what a douche

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Getting hit sucks ass. I have been in my fill of accidents with cars and trucks. Drivers have the mind set we should ride on the sidewalk. Ever try to ride on the sidewalk on Michigan Ave or on Damen? You would be running down peds left and right, plus doors being opened in front of you. You have as much right to be on the street as that dumbass driver. As a rule if it does happen again, milk the situation. Wait and see what happens next. He will not want to be taken to court, maybe have him replace your bike, get some new clothes out of it, cover all of the medical bills. That is always the problem when you ride in the city. In the sticks, it is rednecks in pick ups or crazy ass kids riding in mommy's and daddy's sports car. Any time you go for a ride you can and run the risk of being hit or killed. That is the only good thing if we ever run out of oil, no more cars to deal with! Congrats, you are a surrvior Justin like most bikers that I know. It sure is better than being dead. As for the driver's comment, Karma's a fu*king bitch! He will get his. Maybe Chris will not break his window with a U-lock, but that's not to say his car will not be stolen=) HAHAHAHAHA
Yeah I know I should of made a scene and got licens plates and all of that good stuff. I was just like "wow did I really just get hit???" Just kind of a shock thing... I know what to do next time. wether it be use my u lock like chris stated... haha or getting information and milk it a little... thanks for the information everyone.. and ya know looking out.
I got hit too (not today.) Last time was September 8, 2007. I was warming up in Lake Forest, IL heading eastbound on Old Elm Road back toward my home to meet a couple of guys to ride down to the start of our organized ride, and this Mercedes 500 SL was coming up behind me. I was just to the left of the right fog-line, when boop! (is that the correct term?) he bumps me with his right front bump. Luckily I was right next to the Old Elm Golf Course and was catapulted into the grass after doing a 270º rotation, landed in a sitting position on my butt. Cracked a couple of ribs, bike merely scraped. He stopped immediately proclaiming he never saw me 'cause the sun was in his eyes. Not a pleasant experience to say the least. -stu
Was he on the phone or text-messaging? I have been on this road hundred of times and you do not have much space to move. I have ate the ditch twice last year to avoid being hit. The cars fly out of the golf course entrance too fast! Glad you are all right. Did they finish the bridge repair on old elm? It was out last fall for construction. What bike were you on? Which of your rides took some damage?


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