I have been waiting for it to happen. I was going down fullerton and the intersection to get on 90 94 i believe.... a car without a blinker turned hit me and threw me on the hood. Didn't get hurt bad just some scrapes. My bike is alright too. Very thankful for that.. but the thing that pissed of off the most was the guy didn't even get out of his car. He rolled down his window and said "you better watch it next time.. you might not be so lucky" haha what a douche

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Shit. Glad your ok. Next time that happens and your so lucky, milk it. Your bike may seem ok, but most of the time it throws things out of whack. I've been doored several times and a couple months ago hit by a cab. My back wheel looked like a taco shell, but I was ok. I stayed on the ground until the cabbie got out and had an onlooker call the cops. Filed a police report, contacted his insurance and got an upgrade of a set of velocity rims. There's no bigger FU than putting that stuff on their record. There's a guy, Lawyer Jim (http://chicagobikelaw.blogspot.com/), a local bike advocate you can always contact if things get hairy. Good to hear you weren't hurt though, get that bike checked out.
i'd have called the police and started a scene
Seriously, as the others have said, raise a stink and make sure you get the plates. Let the driver know you have their plates and at least act like you intend to call the Cops.

Also, avoiding the busy intersections always makes the ride more pleasant.
Where he got hit is the 18th precinct. And that was where officer Mercer didn't ticket the lady that hit me (cause he didn't wanna inconvenience her). VERY glad you are alright, but something tells me if you had called the police nothing woulda happened.
ive been hit more times than id like. ive been knocking off side view mirrors(obviously not from parked cars) when a driver fucks with me. im ending the false sense of security motorists have in their steel boxes. im gonna put a big sign on my bags saying driver warning i smash windows. i cant believe he said watch out next time you may not be so lucky! next time he may not be so lucky, we'll see how he like getting blasted with glass as i ride by and pop his driver side window with my u lock!
Double, triple, QUADRUPLE amen on that.

El Duke said:
Seriously, as the others have said, raise a stink and make sure you get the plates. Let the driver know you have their plates and at least act like you intend to call the Cops.

Also, avoiding the busy intersections always makes the ride more pleasant.
Most important thing: get those license plate numbers! That was basically a hit a run, and then he put a threat on your life. What an ass. Get the plate, file a report. You can take people to court for that shit.
I'm glad you're ok Justin. I believe drivers are legally bound to report any accident involving unprotected road users such as cyclists, and remain at the scene of the accident until the police arrive. I've had to learn the hard way not to walk or ride away from accidents involving cars that initially didn't look very bad.

And I hope you're kidding Chris.
There is a right to bare arms, but vigilante justice only marginalizes the issue at hand. We need to make sure all motorists are paying attention to cyclists, and not for the wrong reasons. If and when Chicago turns into a Mad Max Thunderdomesque scorched earth wasteland then the tactics below may be warranted if not essential for survival.... Sorry to hear about your run in Justin glad you're ok

Chris said:
ive been hit more times than id like. ive been knocking off side view mirrors(obviously not from parked cars) when a driver fucks with me. im ending the false sense of security motorists have in their steel boxes. im gonna put a big sign on my bags saying driver warning i smash windows. i cant believe he said watch out next time you may not be so lucky! next time he may not be so lucky, we'll see how he like getting blasted with glass as i ride by and pop his driver side window with my u lock!
This is another good subject for my project. I'll add a section about accidents; staying calm, calling police, exchanging info....

Glad you're OK, I know when stuff like this happens to me getting those nasty thoughts like chris's out of my head is as much if not more of a recovery period than any physical wounds.
yeah i get carried away a bit...haha i dont actually ride in that mind state hardly ever but i can be overly aggressive at times. i know if i did act that way all the time it would just cause drivers to act out on any and all cyclists they see just because of my outlandish behavior.
Woah, glad you're okay!! That driver was a jerk. I can totally understand why you didn't get the plates, name, etc... your adrenaline must have been off the charts. If you end up with any pain remember to ice it to reduce inflammation and see a doctor if you're hurting just to make sure it's not spine related. My fingers are crossed that there won't be a "next time" for you to hold the driver accountable.


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