This is the third time in the past year I've gotten a love tap from a car. Always on Milwaukee Ave... this one by Division... car just turned at the last moment from a parking spot and I swerved to avoid him then when I was in front of him I turned back into the bike lane and he came out of nowhere and hit me... not strong enough to do any damage.

I think the thing that pisses me off the most is when drivers aren't COMPLETELY beside themselves with remorse after a run-in. I HATE when they look at you and just kind of shrug their shoulders. If I ever hit a bike or a pedestrian I would immediately be out of the car and on my knees begging forgiveness.

A couple months ago I was riding and a guy "nudged" me into the curb trying to turn right in front of me - I finally stopped and he ended up running over my foot. Oddly enough no broken bones ... but again the driver was pissed that I tracked him down to yell at him.

I get so mad, but there's no where for it to go. I see other cyclists pounding on cars... but all I do is yell and flail my arms about I just wish they were more sorrowful. There's always that moment where I think "How much of a scene am I going to make here..."

Maybe after every time I get hit from now on I should get a copy/pic of their licence or threaten to call the cops - so I can publicly shame them here.

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Thanks for the advice, words of encouragement and hand slapping y'all. It's nice to be able to vent a bit after a stressful event like that...

Yeah, that's my tactic too, but rage can sometimes burn the rager, inciting an even more violent response.  Do you remember Tommy McBride?  I do.  I knew Tommy.  Tommy was a fellow bike messenger who was deliberately run over and murdered in a road rage incident back in the spring of 1999.  I am certain that Tommy's anger was righteous, and his response was similar to what I have performed on countless occasions.  However, Tommy encountered Carnell Fitzpatrick on a fateful day, and Carnell was gonna teach that punk a f*ckin' lesson.  Yeah, there were consequences.  If you're not familiar with the story, do a simple search.  It was covered widely.

Gene Tenner said:

I see nothing wrong with making a scene. Doing nothing emboldens them more, and they will continue their evil ways. A scene makes them realize that there are consequences to their actions.


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