So. Chgo. Velodrome Sept Open Meeting and Directors Elections

South Chicago Velodrome Association is having another public meeting in about 3 weeks and looking for input here (until 7pm): Quick Question about Meeting Date 
We're currently taking nominations for Directors and we'll be voting at the meeting.  Here is a basic description of Director duties: Basic Directors' Doc. 

Everyone's invited to take part at any level; please let us know if you have any questions or thoughts… 

Thank you.  -Marcus  1-872-588-7282 (Luv-SCVA)

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Blog updates incl. Sept. meeting, Board nominations, the next work days and ongoing fundraising:

Note we'll be at the track Thursday 12-6:30 and Friday 9am-8pm doing work, cleaning up etc...  Stop by if you want to check things out or lend a hand.

The velodrome is very approachable and most people who try it out aren't racers, so don't be shy.

For the coming Board of Director nominations and elections- we'd like to get people spanning our local communities involved to make this the best asset it can be for Chicago and the surrounding areas.

Thanks for checking in!

We've been posting event pages on thechainlink for many of the track work days (volunteers wanted)

This Saturday is a big one and we're trying to finish a couple key tasks that require 4-6 people...  TCL member chixieonfixie threw down a challenge to other teams (she's on xXx Racing) for Saturday, to reach that critical mass.  Can you invite and challenge your team mates, ride mates, friends, etc. to help Saturday?  We'd love to have the track tidied up in time to get some school groups out to ride it this Fall...


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