Long story short I was leaving Door County Wisconsin tonight because my son will need to see his doctor tomorrow because his fever isn't going away. Well I brought both my bikes up (82 Conti and 92 Trek MTB), had them on the rack on back of the car and was backing up very slowly. My father in law shouted something at us and for that split second I looked away I bumped against a tree. Well the rack got bent, the rear window got broken out, and my road bike got the worst of it. Because i had the tires off the Schwinn the Trek bent and smashed the back of the frame so bad the seat tube braces (I forget the technical name) ended up all wavey. Trashed. Sad panda.

So anyone have a road bike I can borrow for the North Shore Century in a couple of weeks? Otherwise I am turning the MTB into a drop bar balloon tire road bike and hoping the best.

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What size frame do you need?
I believe the frame was a 58 cm, it had to come back with the other car and they are on their way back today so ill measure later. But I could always go bigger....longish legs.

And no one was hurt which is the best thing!

Otherwise I might go to working bicycle and see what they have.

59cm Medici, black w/chrome lugs, stays. Chrome is rusty. Really needs a repaint but a useful bike. Columbus EL in classic (small) diameter. Totally classic spec except 130mm rear end. Cheap, more value in whatever assorted parts you want than in the rusty frame. Cheap as in I want a positive number but mostly want it gone.

If all that happened to the Conti was some wave in the seatstays I would not assume the frame is dead. Open question as to whether it is worth the expense of repair but if there are no kinks/creases, no cracks, damage is far from brazed joints it could likely be saved. I'd suggest Ron Boi if you don't care how soon you get the frame back or Andy Muzi at Yellow Jersey/Madison. For one like this the right frame man is one with looooong experience who knows what's safe and what isn't.

I have a few candidates:

  • 58cm Masi (22" seat tube)
  • 62cm Medici (24" seat tube)
  • 59cm Raleigh Technium (23" seat tube)

The Masi and Medici will both have tubular tires. (If you get a flat I doubt the sag wagon will be much help.) The Raleigh will have clinchers. In addition, the Raleigh is one I'm currently cleaning up to sell, so it might be a candidate replacement for your Schwinn.

Thanks for the replies so far.

It is looking like our insurance may cover it but won't know for sure until tomorrow. And John as for the seat stays the opening for the wheel is less than 2" now and there is a fold/kink in one of the tubes. I'll keep you both posted as I get more info from my insurance because if they cover it I might get something newer. Otherwise I will get something used.

Skip that Raleigh and taller Medici sound interesting...

Fold/kink does not sound good. Just reread all this and I think what I understand is the big damage happened to a Schwinn Continental? Schwinn 1020 pipes are extremely ductile. A 2" rear wheel opening would not concern me at all. Some pretty ugly folds would be repairable. Kink, no you could let that frame go. The old Schwinns were intended from day one to be abused and fixed by backyard mechanics. Before you toss the frame have someone who bends metal take a look. I was thinking at first you had an Italian Conti and you would want someone special for that, most anyone who fixes bikes can look at an old Schwinn. They have to be very bad before they're done.

I vote for Skip's Raleigh for your next bike. And as bad as you make it sound there's still a chance the Schwinn is a backup or a winter bike.
Mike said:

Thanks for the replies so far.

It is looking like our insurance may cover it but won't know for sure until tomorrow. And John as for the seat stays the opening for the wheel is less than 2" now and there is a fold/kink in one of the tubes. I'll keep you both posted as I get more info from my insurance because if they cover it I might get something newer. Otherwise I will get something used.

Skip that Raleigh and taller Medici sound interesting...

Naval Jelly is your friend, apply generously and rinse/wipe off after fifteen minutes; reapply until desired results achieved (steel wool can work as well).

John C. Wilson said:

59cm Medici, black w/chrome lugs, stays. Chrome is rusty. 

Insurance will cover it?   How much is a 30 year old Schwinn Continental worth?  I would think it would be well under most car deductibles.   The "cost" of flling a claim (and the increase in your rates..... ) would appear to out weigh any claims.  Flo raised my rates by 45% after my car was hit by a drunk bicyclist while I was at home and asleep in bed and two weeks later was sideswiped in a parking lot while I was at my desk in my office....   .  (They claimed the increase was for "other" reasons....  the Gecko reinsured me for 20% below Flo's pre-increase rates...)

If you claim is the Bicycle and the window, think about NOT filing  claim.

Chitown_Mike said:

Thanks for the replies so far.

It is looking like our insurance may cover it but won't know for sure until tomorrow. And John as for the seat stays the opening for the wheel is less than 2" now and there is a fold/kink in one of the tubes. I'll keep you both posted as I get more info from my insurance because if they cover it I might get something newer. Otherwise I will get something used.

Skip that Raleigh and taller Medici sound interesting...

Wait, it's a Schwinn Continental?

Seriously that bike is worth like $75; go buy a nice old lugged road bike and enjoy something that does not weigh a ton.  I would rather ride a century on a old MTB than a Continental maybe.

Should have phrased that better, technically my renters insurance would cover the cost of a equivalent replacement at current prices, but the deductible is too high to even bother with that.  My car insurance is cutting me a check to repair the car as I see fit.  Since we don't place on turning the car in for a trade in and that we own it, we are just going to fix the window and if we can find a rear hatch for cheap, I'll install it myself.

As for the bikes, we are going to take some of the insurance money and get a new bike for me.  Waiting to see what my insurance will do for payout but I am guessing in the area of $1400 after getting a quote on repairing it today.  Some will get the car fixed and some will go for a new bike.  And we have an "accident forgiveness" thing with our insurance, and since we haven't been in one in a very long time (I haven't) they won't change out rates.

Otherwise I would have just bit it and not done a thing about the bike or car other than the window.

Crazy David 84 Furlongs said:

Insurance will cover it?   How much is a 30 year old Schwinn Continental worth?  I would think it would be well under most car deductibles.   The "cost" of flling a claim (and the increase in your rates..... ) would appear to out weigh any claims.  Flo raised my rates by 45% after my car was hit by a drunk bicyclist while I was at home and asleep in bed and two weeks later was sideswiped in a parking lot while I was at my desk in my office....   .  (They claimed the increase was for "other" reasons....  the Gecko reinsured me for 20% below Flo's pre-increase rates...)

If you claim is the Bicycle and the window, think about NOT filing  claim.

Chitown_Mike said:

Thanks for the replies so far.

It is looking like our insurance may cover it but won't know for sure until tomorrow. And John as for the seat stays the opening for the wheel is less than 2" now and there is a fold/kink in one of the tubes. I'll keep you both posted as I get more info from my insurance because if they cover it I might get something newer. Otherwise I will get something used.

Skip that Raleigh and taller Medici sound interesting...

Okay.   I wish you luck.  I have never had an at-fault accident or a ticket.   And yet when I filed two claims for accidents at which others were clearly at fault (but uninsured) for some reason Flo and Co raised my premium by a large amount.  They claimed the rate change was unrelated to these claims.  Call me skeptical, I trust insurance companies about as much as I trust BWM drivers on texting on Cell Phones.   I think you are going to find an increase in rates for "reasons other than the claim".    As for a new piece, go to a junkyard.   Parts are easy to get for most cars....   particularly BWM's driven by people texting....


And for those that might have an answer, here is the frame, if you think it can be fixed.


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