A customer and I were chatting the other day at work, and she insisted that mine is the smallest bike shop in Chicago, which I really find hard to believe. I find it hard to believe, because (a) it's nearly twice as big as the old location and it really feels quite roomy to me and (b) there seem to be so many cute new little shops popping up on the north side. When challenged, she couldn't definitively name one, but we made a bet on it anyway. Maybe one of the new Dutch style or track boutiques? I checked with Copenhagen, but they in fact have a lovely basement for storage and builds.

So counting storage and basements, please tell me that there is an itsy bitsy (conventional retail storefront - not mail order, etc) bike shop in Chicagoland that is smaller than 400sf. Otherwise, I am out a cup of coffee.

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Gah! Haven't seen the new shop yet, but the old one was definitely scraping elbows...

J said:
Maybe you're thinking of their old space. Counting their double storefront + basement, I'd say it's at lest 2,500. But it's an awesome 2,500.

Sean W. said:
Iron Cycles on Montrose is small storefront-wise...

Yes, a crazy bump from 2009.  What do you guys think?  Who has the smallest shop in the city?

How about Gary's in Edgewater on Clark? Haven't been there for a while, but that place always made me feel claustrophobic.

Gary's is quite small. Sweet shop though.

It's still Tati; I'm pretty sure he's subletting a closet somewhere at this point.

pedal to the people...doi of course! but...does mobility make it gigantic?

How big is Smart Bike Parts?  The seemed really tiny, but I don't know what sort of storage space they had in the back.


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