In preparation for the Autoshow Shutdown I'm collecting bicycle advocacy slogans.
Please review my list so far and add yours.  This will build a collection so we can remember and reuse ad-infinitum.

Though personally I'm on the throw blood on the cars end (the PETA approach), I've been encouraged to collect more positive options. I'm especially seeking extremely concise and effective ones that can be used as chants, cheers, protest calls, replies, and teachable moments.

My favorite by far to date:
"Honk if you love bikes!" - which I first heard a decade ago used by SF's Critical Mass.  I love the double bind it puts angry cagers in.

Other faves:

  1. Bicyclists make better lovers!
  2. Bikes ARE traffic.
  3. Burns fat not oil.
  4. 400 miles a gallon.
  5. Yes we can use less oil.
  6. You'd look sexier on a bike.
  7. Put something fun between your legs.
  8. Half the wheels, twice the fun!


  1. A bike ride a day keeps the doctor away.
  2. Bicycling is better for your body, mind, wallet and world.
  3. Thank you for not driving (in the bike lane).
  4. I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to a bike.
  5. Think globally, bike locally.
  6. My other car is a bike.
  7. One less car.
  8. What Would Jesus Drive?
  9. Style over speed.
  10. Make love, not exhaust.
  11. Powered by pancakes.
  12. Grasp life by the handlebars.
  13. Burn Carbohydrates, Not Hydrocarbons.
  14. Save the Earth, ride a bike.
  15. Four wheels move the body. Two wheels move the soul.
  16. The perfect car was invented almost 200 years ago, it's called a bike.


  1. Stay alive, don't drive.
  2. Get a bike, get a life.
  3. Cars Kill, Bikes Thrill.
  4. Bikes fight terrorism.
  5. End the Oil-igarchy.
  6. Your car makes you look fat.
  7. S.U.V. spells dick.
  8. Those that can, do; those that can't, drive.
  9. So long oil, and thanks for all the civilization.
  10. Friends Don't Let Friends Drive.
  11. Mend your fuelish ways.
  12. No blood for oil.
  14. Curb your car.
  15. The revolution will not be motorized.
  16. Viva la velorution.

World Naked Bike Ride also uses the following:

  1. Less gas, more ass.
  2. Nude not crude.
  3. Naked is how vulnerable I am sharing roads with cars.
  4. No concealed weapons.


  1. Lose weight.
  2. Save money.
  3. Make friends.
  4. Have fun.
  5. Live longer.
  6. Save the world.


  1. Cars are a top cause of death in the U.S., with at least 42000 fatalities and over 3 million injuries in the U.S. annually, over 100 deaths a day, constituting the single greatest threat to public health after disease.
  2. Cars contribute at least 10% of greenhouse gases, endangering all humanity.
  3. Excessive use of cars is a key contributor to the U.S. obesity epidemic.
  4. U.S. oil addiction has lead directly to our middle-east entanglements, being targeted by terrorists, and the massive casualties of Bush's Iraq folly.

Please add any you use, or have heard, or saw on a sticker, etc. Thanx!

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would quickly drop:

  •  Cars are gas powered, bikes are alcohol powered.

let not forget 'less gas, more ass" for WNBR slogans.



I get over 1,000,000 miles per gallon.

how about you and your gas guzzler ?

I updated the list above, adding a slew of newly found ones.

I backed off from saying "infinity miles per gallon" and the like a while ago (though I still own a t-shirt that says that), after reading various scientific approaches concluding humans get 300-900mpg on bike based on kilocalorie equivalence.  Given weight, speed, wind, gears, the average is about 400mpg. Your performance may vary.

dan brown said:

I get over 1,000,000 miles per gallon.

how about you and your gas guzzler ?

I've always liked the simply stated "Pedal Power!".

Burrito powered, 42MPB (miles per burrito), Human Powered -Pastry Fueled. Obviously any of those with different food or drinks...

-What high gas prices?

-I win! (inside joke;-)

.... i know more but im drawing a blank

"Burrito powered, 42MPB (miles per burrito), Human Powered -Pastry Fueled. Obviously any of those with different food or drinks..."


This is a sticker waiting to happen!


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