Hopefully everyone is hip to the craziness that will ensue next week. Basically, the Chicago messenger community will proudly be highlighting the beautiful wonder that is our city to the rest of the world.

BUT! Not until this happens!

Come on out and chill and ask everyone there what the hell their problem is. Seriously. Please do that.



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Forgive me for asking what may be a stupid question, but do the proceeds from the raffle tickets go to support the race?

Can one get any kind of wheels one wants? (Like, say a 26" pair with a two speed rear hub? if one were to supply the hub?)

Is there a way to get raffle tickets other than by attending the event? Don't get me wrong, I LOVES me some Modus Hoperandi. It is in fact, my favorite commercially available beer. But I just can't drink on Mondays. THanks!

Thanks for the question, Tony!

The money raised goes to the race and to cash prizes being awarded at the track day. The track day is Thursday, August 2nd, at Ed Rudolph velodrome. It will cater to categories of all ability. From novice riders coming out to try the track to some seriously advanced fast dudes from other parts of the world putting on a show. Each dime is going to making our event better.

I couldn't really say if Tati would be down to build up some 26ers. He has been rather accommodating but I can't make such a specific promise on his behalf and I don't want to lead you astray.

Sounds like you can't make it out, which is a total bummer. But check out our tumblr and such to stay posted everything going on this week. chicagocmwc.tumblr.com

Thanks again,


Do I need to be present to win?

Thanks for the question, Duppie,

I'd say yes, it would be best if you were present. If not you then maybe you could pass off the tickets to a friend. It could certainly increase your odds!

We'll be announcing the tickets at 9:30.

Trying to get out of a few things but should be able to make it thanks for the heads up.


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