So I tend to be a bit of a jerk when I see bikers on the sidewalk riding at anything more than a walking gate. I get it there are times when you first leave a place where you may find that you have to cruise for a little but should get on the road sooner rather than later. 

Do any of you chastise other riders you run into on the Sidewalks? 

Me I politely suggest that they should be on the road and am amazed by the a-hole responses I get.

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I save my judgement for people who threaten me. Sometimes this means I will ride on the sidewalk if I feel traffic too threatening (Western and Fullerton anyone?) especially if I am riding with my son. Imposing my views on others isn't always taken as being polite.

I ride on sidewalks in the parks all of the time. It is a legal activity in Chicago. All park sidewalks are designated as bike paths. Since they are shared, I ride at an appropriate speed. If it is too crowded I walk. I have a bell or horn on all the bikes that I ride. I also know how to call out to be heard from a distance.

My favorite rides in town are sidestreets and parks. Especially during off hours.
Fair enough, I suppose there may be times that individuals that may need the Sidewalk. Being in UV/WP/BT there are plenty of bike paths and tons of people so it is a bad combo all around.

Few weeks ago I told a few hipsters on their kool beat up old schwinns riding on the sidewalk that they should get on the street, the ironically bearded leader of the gang said "We ride where we feel like, you have no say in it!" Um ok but a ticket or hospital bill may dent the PBR fund.
If I am walking I usually don't say anything unless the person is particularly annoying about it. However when I am on a bike and I see someone riding on the sidewalk I will usually yell to them something to the effect of it being more fun/faster/awesomer/safer on the street.
I usually won't say anything. I *might* if the person is really annoying and zooming around me when I'm walking dogs. (I am a dog walker.) I sometimes have as many as three dogs in my care at one time. I don't feel like I should be made to cross a busy street when someone is riding a bike at me and the dogs. More important than a bike coming towards me, is that typical sidewalk rider who's behind me. If he/she would just SAY something about the fact that they're behind me and passing, that would be really helpful. I'm a great dog wrangler. I know the behavioral nuances of the dogs I walk, but I do need some reaction time.

I'm a little surprised that some people have no clue that not all dogs react positively to a moving bicycle. Natch, I do whatever I have to do to keep myself, the dogs, and the cyclist free from harm. Never had a problem yet, but geez. SLOW down if you think you need to ride illegally on the sidewalk.
I also prefer to ride on streets, but will get on the sidewalk from time to time. It really depends on the street I'm on and my level of comfort with the traffic at the time. I've been buzzed too many times to worry whether someone else approves of my taking to the sidewalk from time to time. As with anything else, I use good judgement when on the sidewalk. I won't ride down the sidewalk in a residential or commercial area. But in other areas I will. For example, riding home from work I find the area around 87th and Kedzie a little more than I want to deal with at that time of the day. I jump on the sidewalk there for a few blocks before I can turn into a side street. The stretch from 87th to about 91st rarely has pedestrians since it goes along a short strip mall, a park, and a cemetery. I feel fine in flying through on the sidewalk until I have the opportunity to turn into side streets.

To avoid any problems, I usually turn to If I'm going somewhere, I try to map out my route beforehand. I'll put together a route that uses side streets as much as possible. But inevitably at time I have to use major roads, where I feel the need for a bit of compromise with everyone out and about.
I agree, Ricardo. I'm above the law when it comes to sidewalks versus getting creamed. And, I wouldn't ever ride on a sidewalk and endanger a pedestrian. That's just not nice.
Good idea! I'll try that too.

jamimaria said:
I just don't move out of the way. I walk in the middle of the sidewalk and force them to either slow to my gait or squeeze around.
kids in the hall, 1988:
"Dave: Hi, I'm just writing a letter to someone in the hospital. You know it's always kinda hard to find the right words to say. You know, somehow "How's the weather in the hospital? Sure is nice outside" just doesn't work. But you gotta try, you know, you gotta show your concern. So here's what I got so far: "Dear Guy, I clotheslined as you went by on your bicycle. You don't know me, but I'm the guy who broke your collarbone. Now, I've asked myself over and over, why did I clothesline that guy? Perhaps I watched too much slapstick as a kid and expected you to get up after being violently assaulted. Imagine my confusion when you did not. Although not so confused that I'd actually hang around. In all fairness, it was pretty funny. I mean, the last thing you'd expect as you were riding merrily by on your bike is that someone you didn't know at all would stick out his arm and crush your throat. I mean, you really should've seen it, it was just like, wham! Bam!
Dave: Anyway... in closing, as you lay there convalescing in your hospital bed, I'm forced to wonder, what were you doing riding your bike on the sidewalk anyway? Huh, ya asshole? SideWALK? Maybe sometimes we bring heartache upon ourselves. Signed, the guy that collapsed your trachea." "

end of thread.
I don't say anything to anybody unless I'm willing to throw hands. As at my age I'm not willing to engage in fisticuffs so I keep my mouth shut. You younger people may not know it, especially those who live in the city's youth ghettos, but this used to be a town where lots of people were ready and willing to paste you. Including white collar guys. But that was when white collar guys were regular guys, before they became "yuppies". My father was a white collar guy and would nail you right now; when I was a kid I saw him drag a cabbie right out of his window and give him a beating at Madison and Crawford. But he grew up at 22nd and Millard back in the 30s and 40s when the Irish, Jews, Poles and Bohemians were real scrappers.
I think adults that ride on sidewalks as a matter of course are just idiots and not worth wasting breath on....

But there are times when riding on a sidewalk is called for, like the bridge on Belmont west of Western I hate riding on the strret there, but when riding on the sidewalk for a short time, I slow WAY down to a walk and yeild to the peds just so much easier.

Or going under some of the other bridges around the city where the street narrows, it just isn't always safe
Do you think the society you describe is the way things should be?
Never say anything to anyone, never speak up, due to constant looming threat of physical violence?"

I'm not sure H3. But it seems to me that people were much more civil and considerate. Maybe I'm full of beans and just observing life through a haze of nostalgia.

The other thing is I have an Irish temper and if I speak up to someone and they react the way some in this thread have described miscreants reacting I'd have to react back. And I don't want that; that's about controlling myself not others. So I just let things slide rather than risk a "fight or flight" situation.
my mom lives in tinley park on the south side. I have a 20 year old brother who gets together with his friends and every thursday and they have there own little mini mass. i've gone with a few times and we have between 15 to 30 people. on one ride we were stopped by the police 3 separate times. the police told us that we HAD to ride on the sidewalk. we even got pulled over by a motorcycle cop. it was kind of funny but sad in a way. here i am trying to teach a bunch of suburban kids how to ride on the street in a safe responsible way, and the cops are trying to scare people off the road and on to the sidewalk. downtown tinley park is a busy place with lots of pedestrians. can you imagine 30 people swerving in between crowds of people. is there somewhere i can get a copy of the rules of the road where it says anyone over the age of 12 belongs on the street.


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