Have had some discomfort in the groin area and two Docs have diagnosed hernia.  Get cut 2/2 and they say I'll be off the bike 4 - 6 weeks.  Any of you guys go through this?  Advice on returning to the bike?  Not happy about 1 1/2 to 2 months of the Red Line...


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Haven't had one. The surgical repairs are supposed to be terrific though. Most are done laparoscopically and as a result, post-operative discomfort is minimized. You won't be doing leg lifts for awhile though. Once the mesh is in place and based on how you feel, you'll probably be able to shorten that projected 4-6 weeks somewhat.

You have my sympathies. I freak over two days without a ride. 4-6 weeks? Aaaarrrggghhh.

It took me from just before Labor Day until just after Halloween last year to recover from surgery I had to remove a dead testicle.  I wasn't happy about having to be off the bike for just over two months, especially when I had to take a class in Oak Creek and MCTS bus service there is very limited.  I had to depend on getting car rides with some of my friends in order to get home from class.  


Sorry to hear about that.

I've been off my bike for one month now, and will be at least for another. Not sure if this works for you, but I do take the Metra from the Ravenswood station to Ogilvie. I also walk to and from the Ravenswood station (1.5 miles each way)

I've started to really enjoy the walks. They do provide physical activity and I get to see my neighborhood from a different angle. Oh, and Metra tends to be a lot nicer commuting experience than the Red line.

Not due to hernia, but I spent December and the first week of January off the bike while my bruised tailbone healed up after a snowboard crash.  It was a long month, but the first ride of 2012 was a great relief. 

Duppie's advice is good; I started getting off at stops further away from my destination and walking.  It kept me off the train and made me stay a little more active.  Don't get too down if you get back on the bike and have lost some of your edge.  Get healthy and when you can ride, the streets will still be there. 


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