Last night around 7:30 PM I was riding east on Waveland when I spotted two middle aged black men in an alley (just east of Broadway) with one sweet looking fixie.  I could tell they weren't riders and this bike must be hot. I turned around and pulled up " sweet fuckn ride man, how much u want for it? I asked. "Gimi 80 bucks" he said. "Hey I would if I had the cash with me and I'm on the way to meet my buddy."  "well I ain't going anywhere come and make me an offer." he said

I rode away and as soon as I was out of their sight I called 911. Before they even picked up I saw two bike cops heading my way.  I flagged them over and told them. My phone rang, it was a dispatcher calling back wondering why I called.  I just handed my phone to one of the cops and he told them " The civilian was calling as they pulled up and will handle it from here. " I gave a description of the alleged perp and off they went.  

I then went on my way. I do hope they went where I told them the bike was and do what cops do...

The bike had a SHURE sticker covering the brand on a light blue frame, wide tubes. A cool white plastic saddle with filigree. 

The perp; black male around 5'9 very dark complexion, no facial hair, thin body frame,

Light blue short sleeved shirt and a black ball cap with an abstract H logo

I do hope the bike and owner re-unite, and that one more slime bag is off the street. I won't be holding my breath for either. 

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