Bicycle posters have a rich history, going back to the 1870’s.  Show us your favorite bicycle-related posters from then and now – what’s on your walls; the best you’ve ever seen; the poster you have to get.


Here is my example:



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I used to paint oils but now that I have a full time job and various other activities I just print art onto a canvas, build the frame and stretch it to fit.

This by the way is an very low quality rendering without gradient meshing turned on. This way it does not compare to an original. The only one printed so far is hanging at Ciclo Urbano.

Duppie said:
This one is absolutely awesome. Did you make that on a computer and then print it on canvas? Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! said:

A little shameless self promotion: these 36x48in Canvas pieces are on sale for $250.

Communist Critcal Mass 36x48in Canvas

The Chicago International Poster Biennial student competition this year was on transportation and had some great posters. Here are two of my favorites. See the other student finalists here:

Mucha = LOVE

For those that may have wondered about Joe TV’s poster pick on page 1, here it is, sans the “bad Bart” screen:

Hey XV - Let's call it "Winkies on Parade". Don't think it's a poster, but it is bicycle related. Actually, for those wondering, it's the Polish Bicycle Team, sharing a group moment.

Back on topic, here is something a little more abstract:

I have to plug my friend and regular artist Ross Felten, who regularly does bicycle themed work that reminds me of a sort of Shel Silverstein meets Jay Ryan meets Derek Hess style. Very pop art themed, highly graphic and an underlying wit and good humor. His work always amazes me and I am very proud that he does so much work for us and in general. Here are the bike posters he has done for our tours:

He has also done all the original art on the Big Shoulders site, our band together, stuff for Boulevard Bikes, and he has a great website himself here.

Yay Ross Felten.
H3N3 said:
2 7 11 1 10 . . . maybe that's a code to something important?

Hmm... maybe there needs to be a 27 mile ride planned for 11/1/10. The Polish Winkies Ride? It could end at a favorite kielbasa place... or at the Polish Museum of America.
H3N3 said:
2 7 11 1 10 . . . maybe that's a code to something important?

Perhaps.... Utilizing the magical decoder-ring qualities of "92 Code" and the numbers you have provided with one substitution (no 11 in 92 code) may provide your answer.....

Maybe they were riding JC Higgins-like bicycles, and got too close to the stingray-like shifter:

Poster by Aesthetic Apparatus, released this year.
Saw this framed poster in a the men's room at a restaurant I went to on Saturday (Nickson's Eatery in Lagrange) and fell in love with it. Remembered this thread and decided to post...

Since this thread got bumped again anyway, here is my favorite alley cat flyer of all time. It's pretty sick, bro.

I could see this poster fitting in quite nicely at my house..


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