Shouting matches along the Jackson bike lane, physical altercations way out of control!

Being able to predict the future--always a useful quality for a writer.

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she is not a writer... she is a Blogger. That is what gives her the ability.
The sky may fall later today!
Judging by some of the conduct I've observed fellow cyclists engage in while using the Kinzie protected bike lane, the potential problems she foresees developing between cyclists and pedestrians at intersections on Jackson aren't exactly groundless assumptions.
If it's not terrorists riding past consulates it's food getting thrown. The horrors of bike lanes!

A shouting match...yes, 


I think her article, similar to your thread title and comments, was probably intended to be a little on the hyperbolic side, though, don't you think?  All in all, I didn't find her blog post all that bad--or anywhere near the type of anti-cyclist or anti-bike lane ranting that has been seen other places lately.  Hence, why she probably wrote the whole "I welcome them, and imagine they will be very well used during the daily work commute" part.            

h333 said:

You've seen cyclists engage in shouting matches and people throwing their coffee on eachother?
Frankly, a very boring blog entry. All shit-stirring hypothesis, too. Yawn.....!
I'll ride down it no handed then give the finger to a motorist that is crossing in front of me.
in case you see this amy sue, you can rest assured i will never stop at any of those stop signs, to be honest i don't stop at any red lights on jackson either.
my only reaction Is lament as I take jackson and find the lane fine how it is. not looking forward to getting t-boned.


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