I have an older Trek 800, I bought in I think 1996.  It was about $350 when I bought it.  It got moderate use until about 2005.  That is when a car clipped my back wheel bending it way out of shape.  I am not sure if anything else other than the whell is messed up, and to be honest the bike probably was not in perefect condition before that.  It sat in my parents basement for a while, I eventually got married and moved out and eventually the bike ended up in the shed.  Should I get it fixed up or just buy a new one?


I used to always take to Al's Cycle shop, which is where I bought it originally.  I have a friend who works in bicycle parts distribution and he recommended I take it to Gary's Cycles shop.  I live in West Rogers Park, so any shop in the near north suburbs or the far north area of the city would be ideal.

Thanks in advance,


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Please, it wants to be fixed, not tossed. 


Probably any of those places would give you good service.  I like the Pony Shop in Evanston since that is close to where I live.

I want it be fixed to, but is it going to be cost effective?

Steve Courtright said:

Please, it wants to be fixed, not tossed. 


Probably any of those places would give you good service.  I like the Pony Shop in Evanston since that is close to where I live.

Well, yes.  The only way to find out is to haul it in and let a professional take a look.  You can fix almost anything on a bike unless the frame is bent or broken badly.  And a wheel or a few parts is almost always going to be cheaper than a new bike.  It can be saved!

Resurrecting an old bike will give you a great feeling!! 

Anthony any recommendations where to take it?

Anthony Swantek said:

Resurrecting an old bike will give you a great feeling!! 

If it's been sitting for 15 years, you'll probably need a full overhaul tuneup. If there's rust in the components from being stored outside you'll need to spend even more acquiring new parts... or maybe not. Try bending the wheel back in shape and riding the bike as is, it might be fine...


Keep your eyes open this winter on Groupon (and the like) and you'll definitely see bike shops running tune-up specials.

Any good bike shop will look the bike over and give you a free estimate on what it will cost to repair it, so you don't stand to lose much besides your time by bringing it in somewhere.  I'd check out Uptown Bikes, which is on Broadway near Wilson.  The shop is fairly close to you, and has a good reputation and reasonable prices.

I take my bike to Rudy's bike shop on the Northwest side of Chicago. On Irving Park west of Central.


danpeikes said:

Anthony any recommendations where to take it?

Anthony Swantek said:

Resurrecting an old bike will give you a great feeling!! 

You could get an estimate from Gary's -6317 N. Clark Street in Roger's Park- they are a mom & pop shop and very nice, and last time we brought a bike in, they didn't charge us for the estimate. In my experience with them, they have always been very honest about how much it would cost to fix a bike and if it would be worth fixing- then you could make a decision on whether to fix or buy a new or a newer used bike. I have never had anyone there try to upsell a new bike, just an honest family run shop.   Be warned, though, once they guy behind the counter get's talking, he keeps talking, but usually it is about something bike related and informative or interesting.  It also helps that the shop is only a few blocks from my apartment, so I may be a bit biased. 


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