I need to ship my bike to Kansas City today. That's right, I plan to Bike Winter Chicago even in another state. Anyone know what's the closest place to Andersonville that will do that? I checked the Johnny Sprockets Bryn Mawr website (they're not open yet) and I couldn't find anything about shipping.

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Yup! Taking over the 80 Days tour from their tour SM who had to bail for an older show if his going on tour.

Michael Brosilow said:
Hey Sara - Try Cycle Smithy on Clark. Both my sons worked there. KC rep? - MB
Its not close but for $20 amtrak will ship it there!
If you ride Amtrak there you can roll it on for a reservation and $10 per boarding, less dis-assembly and no packaging required.

jen said:
Its not close but for $20 amtrak will ship it there!
You cannot roll your bike on all Amtrak trains If you take #3 the southwest cheif to Kansas City you have to check your bike in a box as luggage.

Mike Schwab said:
If you ride Amtrak there you can roll it on for a reservation and $10 per boarding, less dis-assembly and no packaging required.

jen said:
Its not close but for $20 amtrak will ship it there!
Roberts ships. Call or email the shop giving destination and weight of package. Let's hear it for Winter biking! (If you don't drive, biking in the snow beats shivering at bus stops.)
The trains to St. Louis THEN Kansas City have roll on bicycle service. If you have to change trains in St. Louis, you will need a second reservation and a second $10 for the second boarding.

jen said:
You cannot roll your bike on all Amtrak trains If you take #3 the southwest cheif to Kansas City you have to check your bike in a box as luggage.

Mike Schwab said:
If you ride Amtrak there you can roll it on for a reservation and $10 per boarding, less dis-assembly and no packaging required.

jen said:
Its not close but for $20 amtrak will ship it there!


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