Looking for a reasonable way to ship my Bike to Florida for use during a two week vacation in December. any suggestions?
I'd hate to pay the airline fee along with buying a bike case.
Anyone ever used FedEx or UPS??

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either carrier is great for shipping bikes; you can get a free cardboard bike box from a shop and it will work fine if packed properly. I just shipped a bike UPS Ground to Miami and it was $50.00.
i have shipped. it is cheaper than a case, but not free. added bonus is that you can insure it, which airlines won't do.

ask your LBS if they have a spare box. for a small fee they'll usually box it for you & ship it to a LBS at your destination. you will have to do some research at your destination to find a reputable LBS to receive & reassemble. bringing it home is reverse.

alternately, some LBS will rent out their demo's for a reasonable fee. if you can find a fit, this is easier. i travelled to seattle & took my pedals & saddle & was able to rent for $75 for a weekend.
That's pretty cheap, I am heading to the other side of Florida so it has to be around the same price.


Anne said:
either carrier is great for shipping bikes; you can get a free cardboard bike box from a shop and it will work fine if packed properly. I just shipped a bike UPS Ground to Miami and it was $50.00.
Whereabouts in Florida are you going? I know some people in the bike community around Tampa that may have some suggestions....
I took my bike to Lake Tahoe this summer and found that shipping it by FedEx would have been as expensive as flying with it, which is what I ended up doing. I borrowed a hard case from a teammate.

Look into Amtrak. If you can live without your bike for a few days before and after your vacation while it's in transit, I've heard that it's way cheaper.
I have lots of experience traveling with my bikes; my advice:

First, if you want and can assemble it easily, then bring it with. Airlines, depending on which one, are about the same price, maybe a little more than, UPS or Fed EX.

I used to carry my bike and check it in a travel case. Can be expensive if they don't believe it's 'exercise equipment' instead of a bike on most airlines.

Now, if you just need a bike, and are not racing, touring on yours when you get there, what I prefer is to just set up a few Craigslist buys before I leave into the city I am traveling to. I just got back from Houston where I picked up a decent MTB for my time there for $40. You can even relist it in that town before you leave. I usually just 'freelock' somewhere before I leave for someone else, or put on FREE on CL with an address.

I find this the best way: it gives me something to do in spare time, and it is completely hassle free, and I have a bike I to use while there, although not usually a good fit or decent quality.

I travel to bigger cities for work, so that helps.

If you are going to ship it, my advice is to box it and ship it directly to a bike shop to where you are going. Expect to pay around $50 each way--LBS will want some cash from you though.

Another alternative I use is just to call a few LBS' in the area for a demo or rental if you want something decent.

Shipping your bike, unless for a race or tour, for me at least, is not worth the hassle of shipping, box procurement, disassembly and assembly.

Good luck
Ft Myers area

E A said:
Whereabouts in Florida are you going? I know some people in the bike community around Tampa that may have some suggestions....
Wow, I'll let you know, thanks!

h3 said:
I have one of these you are welcome to borrow. I can drop it by any evening you like.
the ft myers area really isnt near any amtrak stations that have checked baggage you would have to drive over to the atlantic coast side to get anything shipped via amtrak

Look into Amtrak. If you can live without your bike for a few days before and after your vacation while it's in transit, I've heard that it's way cheaper.
I ship my Bike Fed Ex when going to Florida. Fed Ex is a little Cheaper, Epecially if you have an account.
I ship my Fixxed gear Bike. So it's easy to assembleand it's flat there anyways. I ship it so my bike gets there the day before I get there. I always let Resort know that my bike will arrive that day. You could also ship it so bike gets there the day you arrive.
This is what I've decided to do. It makes sense and I can track it easier than getting lost thru the airline. Plus its my fixie which is a little easier.

Norm Hansen said:
I ship my Bike Fed Ex when going to Florida. Fed Ex is a little Cheaper, Epecially if you have an account.
I ship my Fixxed gear Bike. So it's easy to assembleand it's flat there anyways. I ship it so my bike gets there the day before I get there. I always let Resort know that my bike will arrive that day. You could also ship it so bike gets there the day you arrive.
I would be interested in route suggestions. going to be down there riding for a week in December.

E A said:
Whereabouts in Florida are you going? I know some people in the bike community around Tampa that may have some suggestions....


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