I've looked through 3 or 4 old threads but didn't really find the level of info I need, and/or the person asking about shipping didn't post any follow-up to let us know how it went.

I may have a buyer for my road bike in NYC.  Whet I've put together from old threads is that FedEx is probably the best option.

Anyone have reasonably recent experience? Bike arrived undamaged? Nothing goofy happened when they measured or weighed the box? General price? Better to ship directly or have it delivered to a bike shop?

Here's what fedEx site spits out, although I don't know if I'm in the ballpark on weight and box dimensions (minor variations seem to double the shipping price.)


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I stumbled on packing instructions with pictures.  Thought it might be helpful - http://getagripcycles.com/mechanics-corner-pack-a-bike-for-shipping...

I checked a box for a 58cm complete single speed bike which I recieved.  That box is 50" x 29" x 8".


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