What's the craziest/biggest/heaviest thing you've carried via bike. How did you do it? Would you do it again? Discuss....

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Not really crazy but it was pretty heavy. I biked ten miles with it. It was for my daughter's birthday party. That is all of the party food and various other items. There are bags underneath the top layer.

"Is the glass half-full or empty?" I ask her as I fill it She said it doesn't really matter, pretty soon you're bound to spill it...


TP, TP for my bungholio!

I took a keg in a burley trailer. It was by far the heaviest thing I've towed!
I carried a glass punchbowl, 10 glass cups and ladle home from a garage sale for a friend. No room on rack as it was stacked with other garage sale treasures, so carried in a bag dangling from handlebars. Nothing broke :)

Had a chance to top off my smugness tank this morning when I walked out the door with my bike and noticed that our live trap had a rabbit in it. Changed my bike to the Halsted and rode the bike down the lakefront. Released the rabbit near the golf course. Hope he makes lot of friends there.

I ran out of some items for dinner last night- like dog food, and decided to give my repurposed Burley a try. The crate is very temporary, but worked fine.

Oooohhh! That is smug.

Duppie said:

Had a chance to top off my smugness tank this morning when I walked out the door with my bike and noticed that our live trap had a rabbit in it. Changed my bike to the Halsted and rode the bike down the lakefront. Released the rabbit near the golf course. Hope he makes lot of friends there.


Michael B said:

beat this.

what can i say, times are tough

Chris C said:


mmm dog food.

rb said:

I ran out of some items for dinner last night- like dog food, and decided to give my repurposed Burley a try. The crate is very temporary, but worked fine.

Here's some furniture I hauled from the Brown Elephant in Lakeview back to my apt in Humboldt Park. The weight wasn't so bad ass the wind resistance. It was a pretty blustery day and crossing the Diversey Bridge was rough. I ride an '88 single speed World Tour, too, so not much help from the bike itself. Totally worth it for a couple of new coffee tables, though!

Here's a before and after image of everything I was able to cram into my Chrome Ivan backpack. Took this load from old apt in Lincoln Square to O'Hare to go home for Xmas. Got a week's worth of clothing and toiletries, as well as gifts for my family, and was still able to take it as a carry-on! Boom, baby!

Slightly 'uneven' load....

$145 worth of food from Aldi's (Plus my Messenger bag was overloaded). I really, really need a front rack to even out the load (Or more logically a trailer and/or a Burley LHT-Now I am dreaming!) and to learn, most importantly, how much is too much to carry on my bike....


*Surley... Dear Lord!


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