The ride hasn't even happened yet...and it will..tonight! I am so excited...don't be afraid to know Chicago weather is always trying to discourage us but I think it will be fine! for the details...
Come see me at the pre-ride spot!
And after the ride tonight start replying with your exciting WNBR ride experiences...

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I was glad I was able to catch up and that the weather held out. After a little bit of phone tag, I caught up with the ride (with a few other stragglers) at Lincoln/Wells and from that point on, had a blast. for the most part, everyone was in great spirits and I'm glad I could finally make it this year. I even got run into someone who I haven't seen for about six years.
A for me highlight was hearing a woman who was loading her stroller in the back of her car say to her friend: "This is why I miss Chicago. I'm moving back!"
it was a blast! i loved how everyone was in high spirits and respectful... one of the most peaceful mass rides i've been on lately. looking forward to next year!!!
Amazing Ride and after party. Just got home from breakfast after about 2 hours of sleep. ;-)

Thanks for the shout out BK but you and the Security Crew did a great job and I'm proud of ya! ;-) Nothing went south on us we had a good group and you guys all used your heads. Well done! ;-)

Well done Andrew on putting together another great ride and to Steven for hosting us naked drunks! ;-)

Love all you guys! ;-)
I was starting to feel a bit sick so I whimped out and went home. Aside from a few pervs, I had a GREAT time. Security was MUCH appreciated! Loved the lawyers on bikes too!

Some crazy lady threw a huge doggy bag of takeout containers screaming "are you hungry?!" at one of my girlfriends. More funny than annoying, really.

I had a blast even thought my nips were icecubes last night!
I was wondering where ya went Ammo. Hope you are feelin' better! ;-)
It was my first WNBR and it was a very cool experience. I tended to hover in the end of the front third of the mass. The cheering crowds were a surprise to me. I am so used to the hostile reactions during the critical masses that I was not prepared for so much good cheer. It felt like we had just achieved some great victory and this was the parade for it. Didn't see too much groping or inappropriate comments. Some from D-bags in Lincoln park, but in that part of town, that is to be expected.
I didn't get totally naked, just my novelty boxers and combat boots. It certainly was a bit chilly though. but that did not dampen spirits. I enjoyed all the creativity of body paint. and costumes. I helped paint a few people. I am a bit of a painter myself, but have never painted a human before. Perhaps next year I will paint more people.

HUGE thanks to Andrew and Gabe and the security crew. you guys ran a really tight ship! Probably the best organized event I have seen this year! thank you thank you thank you!

And special props to the dude who got a flat, but his clothes were with someone else, so he ran with his bike from Lincoln Park all the way to the end.

The begin and end spot I am familiar with from a well remembered Marauders ride. It is a site I like to visit from time to time. I did not stay too long at the after party. Just long enough to say hi to friends, get dressed then split.

It was nice seeing so many familiar faces. I have only been participating in bike events for a little over a year now. before then I was a misanthropic hermit. I would have never believed then that I would, within a year make so many new friends and actually enjoy being social with people. Biking has become so much more than just a way of getting around for me.

Once again thanks to the organizers of the event. good job!
I totally overheard that scone conversation, it was hilarious.

BK said:
Most people are at the afterparty right now but I wussed out. It was my first WNBR Chicago and I was impressed with the ride as a whole. I stayed back as one of the (fully clothed- sorry!) sweepers and went ahead as a lookout at the gallery area.

I think most bikers were very well behaved and I only had to deal with one hammer-head motorist. He got out of his car and was ready to start a fight because he "wanted to go home". All this as his wife/girlfriend was literally trying to drag him back in the car by his arm while screamingly pleading with him. Hey, sweetie, you seemed nice and rational and if you're looking for a real man, I'm available.

Anyway, I did not see any groping issues from onlookers. What was cool was when I arrived at the gallery area about 20 minutes before the mass to check the area out, there was so much anticipation and excitement. I was asked a million questions by the people waiting. They were definitely ready for a show and were excited to hear that the mass was large and on the way.

Kudos, by the way, to those who fully participated. You all looked great and helped send a great message. The only suggestion I would have for improvement would be to save the partying for after the mass. A lot of the stragglers we got at the back of the mass were wasted or otherwise chemically impaired. Nice job also to Gabe for running a tight security crew. Good job WNBR Chicago. I hope others had equally positive experiences.

Oh, and about the funniest thing for me was overhearing the biker in Oz Park who randomly ended up next to the guy guy he bought a scone from at Trader Joe's earlier in the day. It was hilarious how you proceeded to tell him how disappointed you were with it and he told you-you should have returned it. Maybe it was just made funnier by the fact that you were both naked. That was funny. You guys rock.
wow...yes one more for chicago!

Greg Coleman said:
I was glad I was able to catch up and that the weather held out. After a little bit of phone tag, I caught up with the ride (with a few other stragglers) at Lincoln/Wells and from that point on, had a blast. for the most part, everyone was in great spirits and I'm glad I could finally make it this year. I even got run into someone who I haven't seen for about six years.
A for me highlight was hearing a woman who was loading her stroller in the back of her car say to her friend: "This is why I miss Chicago. I'm moving back!"

BK said:
Reddog said:

And special props to the dude who got a flat, but his clothes were with someone else, so he ran with his bike from Lincoln Park all the way to the end.
I saw him too. He was at the back of the ride by me after he got his flat. The guy was awesome! Needless to say, he became an instant hit with the crowd. I heard a bevy of "Run Forrest! Run!" comments from the crowds. Pff... I felt bad because there was nothing I could do for him, except give him my clothes, I guess, which would have solved one problem and created yet another. What was great is that he eventually caught up to his friend that had his clothes but instead of putting clothes on, he changed spots with his buddy. He was now riding his friend’s bike naked and his friend was running naked with the bike with the flat. Those two were the epitome of the spirit of the ride.
i love you, ammo! you should've told me about the pervs i woulda kicked their ass..
hope you are feeling better....

Ammo said:
I was starting to feel a bit sick so I whimped out and went home. Aside from a few pervs, I had a GREAT time. Security was MUCH appreciated! Loved the lawyers on bikes too!

Some crazy lady threw a huge doggy bag of takeout containers screaming "are you hungry?!" at one of my girlfriends. More funny than annoying, really.

I had a blast even thought my nips were icecubes last night!
chicago is so fucking beautiful with the most beautiful people ever! thanks for putting up with my camera...but you are too amazing to ignore! i am about to start the editing process...nothing but beautiful-ness. Today is my b-day and wnbr always makes it special...but today is the best so far! i went top-free the whole ride (except when I left before the mass to get the shot from the the top of the hill that y'all came out of at the beginning...). I felt pretty free. The crowds were too amazed to see naked people to construe it as sexual. I loved all the color and fresh air. I enjoyed being around so many exuberant people. My favorite moments: when I remembered how doomed the ride SEEMED early in the day when it was raining but how PERFECTLY it all turned out....AS USUAL! I love WNBR! my garden is popping from all the rain and then sunshine...
So for those that had heard about the guy that got arrested for cocaine during the ride here's the follow up. The cops didn't find more coke ( I think he had it in a fake bell on his handlebars). But he did have many vials of GHB (the date rape drug). I'm getting more info tomorrow and will post what i can make public. ;-) Bye bye douchebag. Really glad he didn't make it to any after parties!


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