We are moving to the West Coast on short notice and need to lighten the load.


We are selling our namesake, the tandemonium, aka QToF, aka War Rig. It is an Omega Tandem Sport, 26" mountain bike. Frame sizes are tough to identify, but we ride as 6'-1" captain and 5'-9" stoker. The bike has always been a little bit small for us so you would be safe up to these heights and very comfortable a few inches shorter. Asking $450 for the bike and extras noted below.

Tandemonium? Pretty much says it all.

QToF? Quarter ton of fun... the max load we've put on it.

War Rig? Feels like you are riding this with at times:

We have owned the bike for about 6 years and have slowly upgraded it over the years. Our last long ride was a 500 mile self supported tour around the North half of Lake Michigan. Most of the parts were upgraded for this trip (wheels, bottom brackets, cranks, pedals, chains, seat posts, saddles, stoker handlebars, stoker bar ends, fenders).


The summer before we had also replaced the headset when we were doing more consistent bike camping. The only original parts are the frame itself, the captain handlebars, shifters, and brakes. Everything else has less than 1,000 miles on it. We built this bike for bike camping and touring with durability as the key consideration. It should have years of worry free riding with all of the recent work put into it.

Note that this bike can fit on the back of a car with a standard bike rack. We just take the wheels off and it is the same width as the car. We have taken it up to Wisconsin several times for rides and never had a problem transporting it.


Other things that are included:

1-Spare 12g spokes (we bought several for the tour and only broke 1)

2-Spoke wrench for 12g spokes

3-(2) spare thorn resistant tubes (both front and rear wheels already have thorn resistant tube installed).

4-Bike trailer, which has been modified for bike camping.

5-One rear kitty bucket pannier and our secret to making front panniers.

6-One free tandem riding lesson should you want it.

Let us know if you are interested. Thanks!


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New Years Day Bump.

Love this! Wish I needed a tandem!

Best of luck in your new adventures. 



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