I was just putzing around on Craigslist and found the below ad (and link).  Seems like a good deal to me! 


Men’s Bike Shorts, Jerseys and Socks

All pieces slightly used but in excellent condition. Includes: yellow short-sleeved Performance jersey (XL), yellow long-sleeved Performance jersey (XL), yellow short-sleeved Nashbar jersey (XL), yellow Dave Scott Arena jersey (L), black Descente bike shorts (M), black Giordana, CoolMax draw-string bike shorts (L), black Performance bike shorts, red accent Euros socks (L), black accent Euros socks (L), yellow accent Euros socks (L), and gray “The Air-e-ator” socks (L).

$100 for everything!

For more information or to make an offer call 312.402.6112!


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I'll bet an about to be ex-wife is selling her soon-to-be exhusband's gear.
Everything else, ok - but used bike shorts? Only if a pair of used briefs is thrown in for free.
That's about all that would fit me too, sad.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Everything else, ok - but used bike shorts? Only if a pair of used briefs is thrown in for free.


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