Okay, here's the deal - I am riding the ADA's Tour de Cure on June 12th, and my goal is to finish the century (100 mile) ride in under 5-1/2 hours, not including short feed zone stops.  Bottom line is I'm looking for help, as I'd looove to get a fit fast group together to help me finish under 5-1/2 hours.  I'm thinking a group of 8-10 might be ideal, as sharing the workload, along with knowing there might be people who need to drop, would get me to my goal.


If you go to http://tour.diabetes.org/, click on "donate" and ented "nedza" into last name you'll find my website.


I'm not looking for donations (although I certainly would appreciate them) but am looking for other cyclists who want to work as a team (and join "Team Joe Nedza") to help me accomplish this goal.


See what you think!!!


Grazie, Bill

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If you looking to ride a fast century check out this ride on September 11, 2011. 


They will put you in a group ( don't have to register as a group ) that will help you achive that really fast century time.


Actually looking for some help for the June 12th century I'm doing!!  I have thought about the sub 5 century, may have to give that a shot too!

I would be willing to do this since it is not the same weekend as Tour de Shore (June 17th).


Question - is fundraising required ?


I have little time for that even though I have done quite a bit in the past



 www.letourdeshore.com is June 17th-18th, correct.


The ADA century ride I'm trying to do in sub-5-1/2 is June 12th.


The ADA would love everyone registering for the 6/12 ride to raise $150, but they also said if people registered as part of my team they'd kind of "waive" that, since I've raised a fair amount on my own already.  But, a few extra bucks for a good cause and ride never hurts!!


Bill Nedza said:

 www.letourdeshore.com is June 17th-18th, correct.


The ADA century ride I'm trying to do in sub-5-1/2 is June 12th.


The ADA would love everyone registering for the 6/12 ride to raise $150, but they also said if people registered as part of my team they'd kind of "waive" that, since I've raised a fair amount on my own already.  But, a few extra bucks for a good cause and ride never hurts!!

So I'm curious...

I also signed up for the 100 miler.  What is the maximum amount of time a rider has to finish? 


You could ride the Sub-5 Century Challenge Ride in addition to the Tour de Cure. As Dave indicated the field of participants is divided into groups of 15 to 25 riders, who ride the course as a mini peloton. The ride is also a fund raiser; in this case for Parkinson's disease research.

The web site accommodates a team sign up with a common time goal. The target times range from 4:30 to 5:30 for completing the century route. Team sign-up guarantees those members are in the same ride group. Ride groups start three minutes apart, beginning with the fastest. Registration is limited to 200 riders. Fundraising is optional.


Chris T

 Not sure how long you get to finish the 100 mile route, I would think they'd give you  8 hours or so.


*All 100-mile riders must be on-route by 7:00AM. More leisurely 100-mile riders should be on-route at 6:00AM.


That sub-5 century sounds good, and I'm kind of hoping I can get my own mini peloton going for the 6/12 TDC!!

The official answer is you'll have 10.5 hours to finish the ride with full SAG support to help you.  After 5pm those sill on the course will be SAG'ed in to the finish or if they refuse to be SAG'ed will be on their own since the ride will have officially ended.


One other point,  The official start time has been moved to 6:30am.


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