Ok- the building where I live is being re-rehabbed. This is because the neighborhood is already about as gentrified as it gets, and the building was rehabbed about 10 years ago, but they are gutting it again. To make bigger, fancier apartments and rent them for more, MOAR!! So- not renewing leases. 

In any event, what I need is either a studio in around the $800 range (I believe this still exists somewhere?) that allows small dogs, or a 2-3 bedroom, which would allow my dog and my roomate's dog. Both of us bike, both of us work on the north side. We have been searching mostly around where we currently are (Lincoln Square/Ravenswood) but not having a lot of luck. We can pay $1600 together. I would also consider a roommate situation with someone else, as she and I have no solid commitment and she is looking to buy in another year. Oh, and I have good credit, am a quiet, considerate adult person with no undesirable habits, don't drink, don't smoke, don't mind if other people drink or you know, something else in moderation but anyway. 

I would consider also further afield, at this point, too. 

Getting a bit desperate and so reaching out in all possible directions! 

Thanks for any information or leads! 

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My wife and I are having similar problems in that same area. Only the landlord is raising rent without any improvements. I love north center/ lincoln square. its just too bad that stupid red eye article came out a while back and leaked how great that neighborhood is. Now the botique cool store are leaving for condos and more than likely "trendier" stores.

Yeah- I know lots of people are. Since I started looking I have heard from several others who live in Lincoln Square/Ravenswood who have lost their lease and are unable to afford to stay here. Went to see one apartment and there were 5 others looking at it. (it was not in good shape and everyone left in like 2 minutes. No one wanted it. So there's that one! At Leavitt and Wilson, I think? A word of warning- the hallway was completely foul, the bathroom hideous, the furnace old and none of the doors opened or shut properly. All yours for $1500/mo!Oh and- part of it was in the basement- a weird kind of duplex of grossness!) Things I called about on my block were snapped up quickly. One rental agency guy I talked to said that rents overall in the city have increased by 15%. He also said this neighborhood is at 90% occupancy of rental housing. 

Davo said:

My wife and I are having similar problems in that same area. Only the landlord is raising rent without any improvements. I love north center/ lincoln square. its just too bad that stupid red eye article came out a while back and leaked how great that neighborhood is. Now the botique cool store are leaving for condos and more than likely "trendier" stores.

I feel that in 3 years the neighborhood might not be recognizable as it is now. might as well call it Lincoln Park NW. Oh well….progress.

Exactly! I was thinking Lakeview NW but same difference! I don't know that I would call it progress. Or maybe progress in and of itself just sucks. 

You can always go.... UPTOWN, BABY!

let's talk. I have some ideas that may lead to a solution for you.

send me a private message or email me at daniel dot brown at cmegroup dot com


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