I am Looking for the post/thread that someone posted(I thought BK)about a ride extending from the Busse trail, but I cannot find it.

Anybody, Bueller, Bueller?

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Ya, it was BK . I think he did delete the thread. I think the ride will materialize closer to spring and there are several I've talked to that are interested in it.

Count me in when the ride comes up.

I got you covered mi brethren!

Anybody else wanna get on the Don Cornelius Memorial Soul Train?!?... I am thinking of a jaunt around the "Many Lakes, Many Bridges Secret Squirrel Nice Beaver Tour" this Sunday... just to check conditions. Could be sloppy. Who is up for that?


btw.. it is ~8 miles away of Busse (AKA the Greg LeMond Memorial Freeway) and is in no way connected, just a mixed-trail, nearby alternative with a lot less people and a lot more wildlife.... yes.. beavers even.

I'd like to know more about that. I'm trying to "collect" more secret trails for an upcoming Bushwacker Ride

friend me so i can keep y'all posted about this fine route...

I thought the original post said 8-10 mile ride, on mixed trails just off the busse trail. At first I thought it may have the salt creek greenway that runs from busse to brookfied zoo, which I have never riden, but would be nice to explore.

Mmmmmm... Salt Creek.... Dee-licious

Saturday? As nice as it was?... Besides us? We saw ONE other person riding the route... and a couple of dog walkers. A lovely day. -bk

Thanks for the tour on Saturday B.K., it was refreshing to ride outside the city for a change.

"What are we here for if not to make life less difficult for one another?" -Oscar Wilde


T'was a pleasure, Mr. Presley. Thanks for going along for the ride!... In total? Another 50+ mile day for this knucklehead. Tullamore Doooooooo!

Ok... How about March 24th? Saturday. Noonish? Wanna live The 'Many Lakes Many Bridges Secret Squirrel Trickey Coyote Nice Beaver DuPage County Enviro-Tour' event?!?!? According to 'The Derailleur' 2012 Calendeur... the date is open... Discuss amongst yourselves....... -bk


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