Yesterday I noticed someone's motorized scooter parked at a bike rack in the loop. I've heard similar complaints before, but haven't seen too many cases of it. It's kind of a problem in the loop, where there aren't many bike racks (depending on where you work or are going).
Also, last week I was biking north on Dearborn near Walton. There's no more bike lane here, just sharrows, and you can usually pass all the queuing cars at the stop sign. But then the scooter driver started passing too in the "bike area." I'm not really sure where this falls in a legal sense (and it wasn't particularly dangerous), but I remember a trip in Amsterdam where all the scooters were (illegally) using the bike lane, and it was annoying.
So I guess I'm just wondering: have you seen this as a problem here or anywhere else and how do you feel about it?
Barry Niel Stuart said: Better a dead rat than a dead skunk. As Loudon Wainwright III sang, "Dead skunk in the middle of the road and he's stinking to high heaven."
Mattrb said:
I have an 20mph folder e-bike (non-scooter) and I ride it in the bike lanes. I believe my riding to be safer then speed bikers (20-22mph). The speed bikers don't yield or warn for peds or slow bikers. Also, they are almost looking down because of biking stance. Since I have lots of battery, I just slow down for obstructions and speed up afterwards.
If I saw a scooter in the bike lane they would get a tutorial on proper riding locations. 200# monsters should be off the trail. Those four wheel bikes are bad enough.
Found a video of a rat getting smushed on the road. It was by a Mercedes Sprinter.
It is filmed professional like a Scorsese movie.
pilsen is ripe with scooters for whatever reason and they frequently use the bike lane to pass. it's illegal but at least they slow down to biking speed to use it. also what's up with motorized chairs in the bike lane? why not the sidewalk i mean a jogger can outrun the chair? don't get me started on joggers in the bike lane.
you can park a 50cc or less scooter on the sidewalk so bike racks are probably fair game.
Nope, it was bigger than that, at Wacker and Adams. Tied up with a little cable lock.
JimmyD 3.75 mi said:
Hey Shaun, was it this one pictured below? (I just snapped this pic at lunch.)
If so, it's parked here on the corner of State and Lake frequently. I know this because it always catches my eye... it's a vintage Puch Maxi moped... very cool, collectible, Austrian scooter (if you're into these kinda things).
Shaun Jacobsen said:Yesterday I noticed someone's motorized scooter parked at a bike rack in the loop. I've heard similar complaints before, but haven't seen too many cases of it. It's kind of a problem in the loop, where there aren't many bike racks (depending on where you work or are going).
I saw a guy riding a bucket. He literally had a bucket on a board with wheels and some sort of electric motor...ran a red light, stayed in the bike lane, etc. That shiz was like mario kart.
Well I don't believe your 20mph e-bike to be safe in the bike lane no matter what type of straw man you create to justify it.
Mattrb said:
I have an 20mph folder e-bike (non-scooter) and I ride it in the bike lanes. I believe my riding to be safer then speed bikers (20-22mph). The speed bikers don't yield or warn for peds or slow bikers. Also, they are almost looking down because of biking stance.
I've often thought about adding my 2-sense to these discussions, but have refrained b/c of the outrage it may cause...
I'll ride my scooter on the right side of the road up to stoplights if there is no bike lane or sharrows, and it is safe to do so. I'm not gonna fly past at 20 mph, I've been doored before on the bicycle and have no desire to experience that on a scooter. If there is a bike lane, and i'm turning right, i'll use it to get past a few cars, but only if no bikers are present (I also hate having someone tailing me in/on a motorized vehicle while riding).
I too park my scooter near the bike rack or pole and lock it up. Even though its a 110 cc and this is technially a no-no, I have had a Puch like the one pictured stolen in the past. I have loaded my scoot into a pickup truck with a friend before. Just like the bike thiefs, all you need is a van/truck and 2 people. Gone in less than a minute if they are proficient, locking it makes me feel better...
For me its a golden rule thing; if I'm not slowing anyone else down or taking up bike parking in a very busy area. Yes there are some jerks who ride scooters. A lot of bikers already seem to have an us vs them mentality with car drivers, I'd rather assume anyone on 2 wheels is a friend until proven otherwise.
Rant over...
Haha, yeah I realized my typing error after the edit window had closed. Oops..
rwein5 said:
2 cents*
As long as you're not riding your motorcycle in the bike lane for more than say a quarter of the block when you're turning right at the next intersection, I'm cool with it. What makes me mad is when motorized traffic rides the bike lane to cut traffic because that destroys the bike lane's purpose.
Casey Carnes said:
I've often thought about adding my 2-sense to these discussions, but have refrained b/c of the outrage it may cause...
Agreed. It's hard not to feel annoyed and wonder what the heck wheelchairists are doing in the bikelane. On the other hand, it's also hard to get too upset. Inconvenient? Yes. But it's more unsafe for them than it is for me. They are tiny/harder to see. It's sad really. If the pavement sucks or if the sidewalk abruptly ends or some jerk has their sprinkler in the middle of the sidewalk they can't get pass by and must take the street. Or maybe they just don't care and prefer it. Who knows?
Cameron 7.5 mi said:
Given the condition of most curb cuts and the fact that some neighborhoods still don't have curb cuts, I can see why wheelchairs avoid the sidewalk.
yai danche said:pilsen is ripe with scooters for whatever reason and they frequently use the bike lane to pass. it's illegal but at least they slow down to biking speed to use it. also what's up with motorized chairs in the bike lane? why not the sidewalk i mean a jogger can outrun the chair? don't get me started on joggers in the bike lane.
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