Yesterday I noticed someone's motorized scooter parked at a bike rack in the loop. I've heard similar complaints before, but haven't seen too many cases of it. It's kind of a problem in the loop, where there aren't many bike racks (depending on where you work or are going).

Also, last week I was biking north on Dearborn near Walton. There's no more bike lane here, just sharrows, and you can usually pass all the queuing cars at the stop sign. But then the scooter driver started passing too in the "bike area." I'm not really sure where this falls in a legal sense (and it wasn't particularly dangerous), but I remember a trip in Amsterdam where all the scooters were (illegally) using the bike lane, and it was annoying.

So I guess I'm just wondering: have you seen this as a problem here or anywhere else and how do you feel about it?

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Ill ride obnoxiously slow if any motorized vehicle is using the bike lane behind me.

In Amsterdam there is a type of scooters that are allowed to use the bike paths. These are the ones with the small blue license plates. You can ride them without any licensing requirements. they are limited to 20 mph or so

The ones with the yellow license plates are considered motorized traffic and are required to use the automobile lane. You have to be licensed to ride these. they are limited to 30 mph or so

It can be hard to tell the difference, because design-wise they all look like derivatives of classic italian scooters.

I haven't seen too much of this. I don't mind others using the bike lane as long as their transportation does not include a motor or engine.

Thanks for the clarification. I didn't always look but is the difference how it's powered? Because there were definitely ones that were getting exhaust all up in everyone's nostrils.

Duppie 13.5185km said:

In Amsterdam there is a type of scooters that are allowed to use the bike paths. These are the ones with the small blue license plates. You can ride them without any licensing requirements. they are limited to 20 mph or so

The ones with the yellow license plates are considered motorized traffic and are required to use the automobile lane. You have to be licensed to ride these. they are limited to 30 mph or so

It can be hard to tell the difference, because design-wise they look very similar.

Both are combustion-engine powered. The difference is in the speed limit.

Shaun Jacobsen said:

Thanks for the clarification. I didn't always look but is the difference how it's powered? Because there were definitely ones that were getting exhaust all up in everyone's nostrils.

Duppie 13.5185km said:

In Amsterdam there is a type of scooters that are allowed to use the bike paths. These are the ones with the small blue license plates. You can ride them without any licensing requirements. they are limited to 20 mph or so

The ones with the yellow license plates are considered motorized traffic and are required to use the automobile lane. You have to be licensed to ride these. they are limited to 30 mph or so

It can be hard to tell the difference, because design-wise they look very similar.

Was the scooter locked to the bike rack?  Did the rider not realize that you can take your scooter's keys with you?

It is not legal to ride one in the bike lane; ride slow in front of them.

It is illegal for motorcycles or scooters to pass on right of traffic unless there is unobstructed pavement at least 8-feet wide to the right of the vehicle being passed. They are not legal to ride in the bike lane, I'm not sure about "sharrows" and how they apply to the 8 foot rule.

Also, scooters can weigh less than 200lbs, they're locked up because someone could pick them up and toss them in a pick up truck otherwise. They can also be hot wired pretty dang easily depending on the bike and if you know what you're doing.

Hey Shaun, was it this one pictured below? (I just snapped this pic at lunch.)

If so, it's parked here on the corner of State and Lake frequently. I know this because it always catches my eye... it's a vintage Puch Maxi moped... very cool, collectible, Austrian scooter (if you're into these kinda things). 

Shaun Jacobsen said:

Yesterday I noticed someone's motorized scooter parked at a bike rack in the loop. I've heard similar complaints before, but haven't seen too many cases of it. It's kind of a problem in the loop, where there aren't many bike racks (depending on where you work or are going).

Had a guy in front of me the other day, in what appeared to be a reved up 4 wheel wheel chair, In the bike lane.  It never ceases to amaze me, what you see in Chicago.




I saw a dead rat in the bike lane yesterday.  Was smushed up pretty good and gross.

the one time i experienced a scooter in the bike lane, i caught up and shamed the fuck out of him. it worked and he got back over to the driving lane.


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