I went for a walk today and saw this flier (below). I didn't see anything in the forums, so I thought I'd pass along the information.

Hope this helps someone out!

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Hey Howard...
If you havent found a home for that Schwinn I wouldnt mind starting a project bike. Is it still available?

H3N3 said:
I did a registry search for about the last month but didn't see anything close.

While we're at it I found a large green 70's Schwinn missing the wheels at Western and 16th the other night-- it looks like it had been completely rideable until the wheels were removed.

I really doubt there's a way to get it back to the owner but if anyone is has a plan for it it's yours.

Mike M, I should have mentioned it to you tonight-- it's an awful lot like your bike and about the same size.


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