Clark Park is a pristine river front park which contains acres of green space and a half mile river front trail, soccer fields, native gardens and a state-of-the-art BMX trail. Also, it has a public canoe/kayak launch and is a recognized butterfly sanctuary and bird watching habitat.

We oppose constructing a 2 acre sized boat warehouse/crewing facility which will negatively impact the park - it will be too large for Clark Park and introduce a 3 story building, surrounded by concrete, increased vehicle traffic, and will interrupt existing activities at the park. The public demands a period of public review to investigate moving the facility to a larger park or a different location.

A much smaller boathouse facility could be constructed at Clark Park, containing canoes/kayak, badly needed washrooms and a public water source, concessios and possible bike rental. Green Space is the most valuable resource in the parks, especially in this one-of-a-kind riverfront park - it must be protected for future generations. 

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Not totally doubting you but until there is something to view I can't, nor can anyone else, allow that to add to the discussion... yet. Seems the only image that has been provided so far is that which I, believe, correctly placed on the google map based on where the parking lot is situated in their diagram. 

If it is true I hope the BMX/Bike/Green crowd gets all up on the CPAC as they would be the reason for it to be moved south taking out "the Garden" and a load of tree's to protect a open grass area.

I think Tim's overlay is spot on.

Not only does the shoreline line up perfectly but more importantly the curve on Rockwell overlays exactly.

No, this is a perfect cork.  They have deftly tied up Park Place and Boardwalk to create a Monopoly so now they can convert 4 green houses into a Red Hotel and rent will be going up for the common taxpayer.  They also have smoothly tied up Roscoe Baltic and Mediterainian on the other side of the river Go in the process (which is what I think they wanted the whole time by blocking out any bridge in that location.) 

Well played bankers!

This round goes to you.

As per Tims overlay. I see no obstruction to a bridge being built directly off of roscoe (on the west) to the trail on the east by the boat house or the BMX park even with the desired run-ups. Now weather or not the city would actually build it is another question alltogeather.

Does that crystal ball of yours also say something about which stocks I should invest in? Or when the Cubs will win the World Series? It seems pretty specific in its predictions.

James BlackHeron said:

The bridge isn't going to get built now.  History will show that looking back 10-15 years from now. Whether it was going to be built at all -or even if all the plans that had it as a critical crossing for bike boulevards and transportation cycling in the area will survive without it is another discussion. 

The boathouse WILL get built.  It's a done deal.  There will also be a buy-back of Roscoe west of the river and a "green battery plant" built there as well as other industrial pet projects.

We are just talking about stuff here.  There is no debate left.

Sports are irrelevant.    One team wins and another loses.  Who cares?

As for the market -send lawyers guns and money, the s--t is going to hit the fan.

Bridge in Pink run-ups in Purple. Seems to fit but Im no bridge engineer.

Hmmm...well, I guess I'd just ask when those schematics are dated.  These permit reviews are from April 12th, 2012 and the crude map accompanying it shows it directly across from DeVry on the other side of Rockwell .  Things might have changed?  As I said earlier though, the contract for construction is being signed in about two hours so it is all but tied up for the Park District at this point.

Tim S said:

Not totally doubting you but until there is something to view I can't, nor can anyone else, allow that to add to the discussion... yet. Seems the only image that has been provided so far is that which I, believe, correctly placed on the google map based on where the parking lot is situated in their diagram. 

If it is true I hope the BMX/Bike/Green crowd gets all up on the CPAC as they would be the reason for it to be moved south taking out "the Garden" and a load of tree's to protect a open grass area.

If only there was a bridge engineer on The Chainlink...

Maybe envane x will chime in on this.  I seriously would LOVE for you to be right Davo.

All in all I agree that the city handled this poorly. Maybe their could be some sort of stipulation for some portion of the boat house proceeds to go to making this bridge a possibility. I would like to think that the bridge could still be put in as well as the boat house.

I thought you had already thoroughly considered all of the hearsay evidence presented in this thread, and rendered your final prognostication.

James BlackHeron said:

I think Tim's overlay is spot on.

Not only does the shoreline line up perfectly but more importantly the curve on Rockwell overlays exactly.

No, this is a perfect cork.  They have deftly tied up Park Place and Boardwalk to create a Monopoly so now they can convert 4 green houses into a Red Hotel and rent will be going up for the common taxpayer.  They also have smoothly tied up Roscoe Baltic and Mediterainian on the other side of the river Go in the process (which is what I think they wanted the whole time by blocking out any bridge in that location.) 

Well played bankers!

James BlackHeron said:

If only there was a bridge engineer on The Chainlink...

Maybe envane x will chime in on this.  I seriously would LOVE for you to be right Davo.

I don't practice santaria, I ain't got no crystal ball.  All opinions that come off of these keyboard fingers are mine and mine alone.  

Time will tell.  Like I said, I hope I'm wrong.  But I don't think so...

I'd love for there to be a nice boathouse that is beautifully and artistically integrated with the architecture of this boathouse and the two of them could live in harmony on the riverfront -but I don't think so.

     There is trouble in River City -Trouble with a capitol T and that rhymes with B and that stands for Boathouse!

Sing it with me brothers!

Kevin C said:

I thought you had already thoroughly considered all of the hearsay evidence presented in this thread, and rendered your final prognostication.

Davo's assessment isn't too far off, the bridge may need a little bit more width than shown for proper footing and it may disturb a small amount of the woods, but if Tim's placement is correct, there is adequate space for a pedestrian bridge since the footing requirements for a small bridge are fairly compact and the ramp length required is based on the elevation that the bridge is raised above the ground elevation, not the river span.  

This doesn't change the fact that there are no city documents available discussing the bridge since 1999, and there has never been an RFP (request for proposal) issued for this bridge (I used a search that is generally only accessible to A/E, contractors, cities, etc to look). No engineering has been completed for any possible bridge.  Drawing a schematic on a general area usage plan is not equivalent to having a design. While it may have a 20 year life on the tif, the fact that 13 have already passed without follow up and there is potential industrial development on the over side of the river, and the alderman has stated it was re-evaluated leads me to believe this has long been off the table.  


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