The Santa Rampage has just been listed:

Surpisingly decent Santa suits can be had for around $20 at Walgreen's.

Thanks, Martin!

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Nice, the dreidels are looking forward to their partners in crime!
Why did I have this down as Dec. 11th?
about how far/fast do people ride? i'm pretty new to biking and pretty new to snow ... REALLY new to biking in snow ... so i'm a little nervous about lagging behind.

not to betray my people, but santa biking looks a lot warmer and more comfortable than dreidel biking.

it isn't easy being chosen.
LOL. I was an elf the first year, but last year had to represent.

Ironika Leigh said:
about how far/fast do people ride? i'm pretty new to biking and pretty new to snow ... REALLY new to biking in snow ... so i'm a little nervous about lagging behind.

not to betray my people, but santa biking looks a lot warmer and more comfortable than dreidel biking.

it isn't easy being chosen.
how about this:

lol ... it was worth a shot.

anyone got an idea of how long the ride is, for real? 5 miles? 50 miles?

It starts at Twisted Spoke on Ogden to Binnys on Grand to Daley Plaza to Water Tower.
It's slow very short with frequent stops to heckle the holiday shoppers (and be heckled at).

Ironika Leigh said:
how about this:

lol ... it was worth a shot.

anyone got an idea of how long the ride is, for real? 5 miles? 50 miles?

awesome - i think i can actually handle that. now to figure out costume dilemma!
Come on out and see for yourself!

Chris C said:

I'm new to the forums so please enlighten me. What is the true purpose of this ride?

The two years I participated I didn't see anyone throwing paint on fur coats.

Chris C said:
Just trying to figure out if this is one of those rides where we throw paint on fur coats and/or ride down the Kennedy.

I've discovered that not all Walgreens carry the Santa suits. Better call around. Maybe someone can start a thread of those Walgreens that do.

I haven't had this much hair on my head since Carter was President.
"I've discovered that not all Walgreens carry the Santa suits. Better call around. Maybe someone can start a thread of those Walgreens that do."

The one on Armitage and Albany (just east of Kedzie) had 4 a few days ago. I doubt they're flying off the shelves so I'd imagine at least a couple are left.


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