We're starting to get media inquiries and requests for this Saturday's Santa Rampage.

Can anyone point me towards pics from the last year or two?


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Who's making the request Howard? Some of these photographers may want the photo credit.

Try this. I'm sure ABC will want to plug the competition.

h' said:

Kind of need bicycles in the picture for PR purposes-- otherwise the "Santas on Bikes" message doesn't really come across.  Will send the first one along.

Tonight's need is for channel 7 news BTW.

Kevin C said:

Who's making the request Howard? Some of these photographers may want the photo credit.

Santa Rampage mention and photos begin at 2:40.

There's a Bike Winter Film Fest?

Tell me more!

h' said:

Great event today-- possibly record attendance?

Aaron is willing to make a 2011 Rampage vid to debut at the Bike Winter Film Fest on Sun Jan 8-- I'd like to ask that anyone with images and video of today's event get them to him ASAP, and maybe even consider not sharing the best of it online prior to then.

My few photos: http://massup.us/now/c?d=20111217&o=p

Our route (under 6 miles?!?): http://massup.us/now/r?d=20111217

My video: http://youtube.com/watch?v=FyALhgpNyDM

Anyone ask me if you want originals.

See the YouTube and venture a count.  I'd say 57+.

Milwaukee? Milwaukee kicked our ass(es) on turnout for their Santa/Dreidel Rampage.!? EA reports an unofficial total of over 300. Same day. Same weather. How can this be?

But seriously. Even adjusting for the cheese power phenomenon...

Chris C said:

Kevin C said:

Milwaukee? Milwaukee kicked our ass(es) on turnout for their Santa/Dreidel Rampage.!? EA reports an unofficial total of over 300. Same day. Same weather. How can this be?


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