How was the ride? I hear they are amazing. I was out of town last weekend. Any good pictures to share?

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I don't have any photos, although my brother and I did have fun. Unfortunately we weren't able to stick around the after party too long because we were both in desperate need for dinner.

But I have to admit, we both were dreading it and almost didn't go....but the weather wasn't nearly as horrible as we thought it was going to be.

My brother even said he had more fun doing this ride than the Urban Assault.
More fun than Urban Assault? Thats awesome. How was it different?

Ashley said:
I don't have any photos, although my brother and I did have fun. Unfortunately we weren't able to stick around the after party too long because we were both in desperate need for dinner.

But I have to admit, we both were dreading it and almost didn't go....but the weather wasn't nearly as horrible as we thought it was going to be.

My brother even said he had more fun doing this ride than the Urban Assault.
The ride was really great - a bit easier than in past years - I'm not complaining. There was some light rain for part of it but nothing too bad. The worst part was fighting the wind on Ogden on the way to the after party. I have a few photos from the party up on my flickr. They're all tagged with "sadiehawkins".

My partner Sat and I came in 25th - a big improvement from my 70-something finish last year!
We must have come in right behind you, we came in 30, and my brother and I were pretty happy with that result considering we weren't really being competitive. That wind on Ogden was BRU-TAL!! It was extremely easy, and convienent that you could do all the pick ups in a nice circle and then all the drop offs right after. We came to the museum steps as our last drop off and one couple was going back to Kendall college for their next one, that's just plain crazy.
I had a very good time. Anne and I were the Boob team. We actually came in 26th, which I thought wasn't bad considering our giant breasts.

The wind was kind of tough. Also next year I'm going to try to remember to actually fill up my water bottle. We ended up stopping at a little restaurant to get some water to make it to the after pater.
Dubi Kaufmann said:

Nice! and yes, we did ride with those things!


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