Need a date for the Sadie Hawkins Day race on November 8th? Post up here.... remember, guys/girls, a girl should ask you to race. If you need a date (which doesn't imply that you'll be, in any way, connected to that person except for trying to keep up with them!), post here. Remember, you can do the race FF, MF, MMF, MFF, MFFF, MFFFF, MFFFFF, etc....but boys, you need a female with you. Why?

Race is for two people teams, with at least one female per team.
$5 for women, $10 for men or $20 for unaccompanied men. That's right, guys. Bring a female race partner or pay $40!

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Okay - so my partner for Sadie bailed on me. If anyone still needs a partner let me know.


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