Tonight my friend Laura and I were sitting on a bench just south of North Avenue beach on the lakefront trail when a van of cops pulled up and asked us to leave. It was around 12:45 AM and they stopped just passed where we were and blurted something unclear at us. We asked what they had said and they backed up and yelled at us to leave. We got up and started to pack up and they kept telling us the park was closed and lingering in front of us. As they lingered they continues to be really rude and Laura said "It's fine, were leaving. You don't have to be rude." The cop responded, "I'll arrest you. I'll arrest you for being in the park after it's closed." He then looked at me and said, "Control your woman." Then they sped off at a dangerous rate. 

What the fuck, chainlinkers? I write this as we wait for a sergeant to come and hear our complaint, but anyone have any better suggestions? If you've got anything, here are the logistics.

Date: 6/26
Time: 12:52 am
Location: Just south of North Ave. on trail
Car number: 6712
Car license plate: M143680
Three cops in the car, the driver was a larger white man with longish black hair, possibly in a ponytail. 

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Probably not the best idea to be drunk, with your friends, after hours, in a park that closes at 11 pm. The police have a just cause to harass you because you are violating civil code. Get drunk at a bar or a home would be my advice.
Jesus Christ, you get all bent out of shape because the coppers didn't kiss your ass? They were rude to YOU? What is the world coming to?
mattbikes1 said:
Probably not the best idea to be drunk, with your friends, after hours, in a park that closes at 11 pm. The police have a just cause to harass you because you are violating civil code. Get drunk at a bar or a home would be my advice.

Hi Matt. Read through Remy's post again.
The park is closed from 11 PM to 5 AM every day, has been forever, it's just never been enforced but it is this year due to all the violence.

With all the crap that Chicago cops have to deal with on a daily basis I'm sure your lippy girlfriend probably set them off. You filed a complaint and I'm sure the big donut eating sergeant has a ton of better things to do then listen to how you had your ego bruised by a rude flat-foot.

What the fuck? You're in a closed park, you know this, when they tell you to move along, just do so without commentary. Unbelievable, the sense of entitlement of a lot of people on this website.
This is funny.

They may have been rude but you were in the park almost 2 Hours after the posted closing time. Chalk it up to a learning experience and move on.

Did you get anywhere with your complaint?
"anyone have any better suggestions?"

Yes. Let it go. You were in a closed park after all. Why is it that when cops do their job (ticket a bicyclist for riding through a red light; call out cyclists for riding on sidewalk; tell cyclists to leave the park after closing time; all of which have been discussed on CL) we get our panties in a bunch and call it unfair?

It's called personal responsibility and we should take it more.
Meh, I think this is much worse than your tiff.
I had a cop pull up on the grass turn his lights and siren on and blurt out on the horn I need to go at 10:30 one night. I was by myself and thought it best I should leave but yes the parks don't officially close until 11 pm.

They are out in force this weekend and next, taste fest, pride fest, last night CCM and I'm sure numerous other events. BE CAREFUL!
And the end of the month is always an aggressive time as the cops who haven't met the ticket quota will find anything to write one.
I was right there too. BUT they have warned CCM'rs that riding on Lake Shore Drive WILL result in being arrested so take your chances.

Jackie said:
Meh, I think this is much worse than your tiff.
Sorry Remy, you don't have a leg to stand on. ;-(


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