So I started noticing these orange route markers all around the areas I bike. Imagine a ring with an arrow pointing out the route (looks like a power button insignia).

They range as far north as the Robert McClory Path down to the Burnam Greenway and further south on the Erie Lackawanna Trail in NW Indiana.

For years I thought they were construction markings until another rider pointed them out. Now I am using them to explore new routes / areas. If you keep an eye out for them, you will see them everywhere. 

My question is... who put them there?  There are intersections with multiple markers (with abbreviations) pointing out diverging routes. Is there a key to some of the abbreviations?

TST - Tri-State Tour?

BI - ??

CT - ??

T100 - ??

I know there are more that I am forgetting...

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It's Rob from Bicycle Illinois (BI) marking his Tri State Tour (TST) and Century options.  You'll find his Don Henry's all over Illinois. 

I thought all along his given name was Dan. At least Wikipedia seems to agree.

y a j said:

It's Rob from Bicycle Illinois (BI) marking his Tri State Tour (TST) and Century options.  You'll find his Don Henry's all over Illinois. 

You're right, it was Dan.  I saw in a recent Adventure Cyclist magazine that he had passed away recently. 



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