Anyone done it? I Have a loose itinerary.


Chicago to San Fran

San Fran to San Jose (brothers house)

Sunday: 50 miles

                San Jose to Santa Cruz (bus)

                Santa Cruz to Monterrey

Monday: 32 miles

                Monterrey to Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park

Tuesday: 73 miles

                Pfeiffer to Cambria

Wednesday: Rest day

Thursday: 62 miles

                Cambria to Oceano Dunes

Friday: Rest day

Saturday: 72 miles

                Oceano Dunes to El Capitan

Sunday: Rest day

Monday: 72 miles

                El Capitan to Point Mugu State Park

Tuesday: 34 miles

                Point Mugu State Park to Santa Monica


                LA back to Chicago


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I mean PCH1. 

Paniers in back, small backpack, hammock tent and sleeping bag. Me + bike + gear = 230lbs.

  I'd try plugging your route into google maps and checking out the elevation changes to make sure you don't couple lots of climbing with a long distance day.

Thanks, that was an eye opener. I wasn't expecting 15k of elevation. A few of those days will be rough.


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