Road Safety Flier (continued from "driver's prosecuted for violence")

This forum is for the brainstorming of a chainlink flier with rules of the road and bicycle safety info.

The plan is to have a pdf flier available for download, to be carried by cyclists to help in disputes, create general awareness of the rules of the road with concern for cyclists, and to promote!

This is the one currently available for Illinois, but I think we could do better. Simple language and icons/graphics laying out the law, but with reference to where the law is written in legal mumbo jumbo.

There's also a booklet pdf here of the rules of the road.

I'm thinking something like: the chainlink banner on the top, followed by "cars, suv's, trucks, motorcycles, and bicycles are all vehicles on the road entitled to the same rules and rights." Then some bullet points of legal bicycle actions on the road such as lane usage etc...

This should also be Chicagoland specific, so please voice your concerns or ideas for this flier. I know it will be great if we work on it as a chainlink team.


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Here's a first draft. I didn't use any graphics in this one, but I think the text is easier to take in than just reading the legal language. Leah - do you aprove of using the chainlink logo for this? Just want to make sure it's ok before starting any kind of distribution. Also, do you have an .ai file for the web page banner? It would make the flier look better, I just grabbed the jpg off the webpage.

I'm looking for feedback, what do you all think? (it's a pdf, so if you "save as" you can open it up and zoom in if it's too small to read on screen. It's sized to fit 4 to an 8.5x11)

hmm, I'm using safari and it shows up. but i just opened it with firefox and nothing.
Does anyone know how to post a file for download rather than posting it as a pic?

travesty said:
Sorry, I'm not seeing a link to the flyer file. Could you double check that or help me find it?
here's a jpg version

are there any writers/ designers

who want to possibly collaborate with the finished product? I'm willing to help
So far it's just me at my iMac and whoever contributes here. Let's here your ideas

Thanks for the feedback travesty. Your right, I don't know where I got "possible" from. I wasn't sure how much info I could cram onto a small card, so I started with this size. I'll streamline it and try some smaller formats in the next drafts. The largest font right now is 10 for the header, 8 for the main text, so I'm also considering my fellow glasses wearers.

a couple more ideas I had this morning:
- right of way at intersections is the same for both cars and bicycles
- riding a bicycle on the sidewalk is prohibited in some areas
- better graphics (duh)

(I'm at work now, but I just figured out the attach files function. Never noticed it before, thanks. I'll start a V1.0, 1.1, 1.2, etc.. system for these drafts when I get home to work on it.)
Does that really say "bike ane" in the PARKING section, or is Firefox being weird on me? Looks good otherwise.

GabeW said:
here's a jpg version

It might, there are a bunch of typo's and spelling errors in this draft....all to be fixed of course.

- Got another suggestion from David (across cubicles, not online) for something about riding 3 feet from parked cars as well to avoid doors. And adding to the avoiding hazards (which will be spelled like that in the finished one) example list. What do you think? add parked cars, ice, small animals, ect...?
also on the nitpicky spelling tip, unless we are talking about the fictional Georgia county where the Duke boys live, hazard is only spelled with one z.
thought of another possible point - The Critical Mass bike ride leaves from Daley Plaza the last Friday of every month. The route is determined along the ride.

Anyone have ideas on how to be "bipartisan" on this one? I think it should not be for or against the ride, but rather just announcing it so people can go if they want, or know what's happening and not have cars so pissed off at the amount of bicycle traffic at those times.

That's what I was trying to do with the helmet thing too, neither for or against, just the info available for us to make up our own minds.
Go with it I like the flyer already. Another couple of add on's I thought you may want to add to safety: Cyclists must yield to pedestrains and When passing a cyclist, always pass on left side, not on the right. When riding on public roads, cyclists must obey the same traffice laws as automobiles. Do not run stop lights or stop signs. I know most people are guilty of doing this. I have racked up 16 tickets in the last 20 years or so for various traffic law "infractions". I hit a ped back in '97 and messed her up bad. She was walking across the street and I thought she had to stop. I clipped her and that was that.
As for Critical Mass, we as cyclists should get some free time in the one of the papers telling folks when it is and what's it's for. The mayor's office should also get involed since he is the motivating force in the city for biking and cyclist's rights. Critical Mass should be viewed as a positive expression of cyclists banning together for the common good and not a black eye on the local cycling community causing widespread havoc with the police and motorists. Keep on it GabeW. Thanks, Jim
This is great. I'd been thinking about something along these lines too.

Some other ideas:

Taking advantage of some of those free/cheap business cards sites and printing up some with the Illinois 3-feet law to hand out to drivers.

San Francisco had a pretty great "Co-exist" program ( If you emailed them they would send you some clear stickers to affix to your driver side mirror that read, "watch for bikes". Don't know what the Illinois law is regarding stickers on driver mirrors, but this could certainly be adopted by the
That SF program looks great; exactly what I was thinking as far as keeping it positive and equal towards sharing the road.
I like language like "take the lane" for it's directness, but am wondering if it sounds like it's not ours until we take it, which is not the case. But the lane usage section I think could explain riders not on the side of the road better. Buses are a great example of passing on the left.

I was thinking more about CM, and as is usually the case in the forums, it ends up taking over it's own thing. Maybe the next one can deal with that, or Jim can get on the newspaper write-up.

I'm hoping to have some time tonight to get some more work done, thanks everyone.


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