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Jesus Christ, are our cops completely worthless?

"Earlier in the day, police said the case had yet to be assigned to a detective. They report their records make no mention of the suspect's verbal threats, and that officers only spoke to one of the four possible witnesses."
No, but our laws are. Watch this lady get off with a reckless driving charge or a failure to remain at the scene of an accident violation. This situation just makes me feel sick! I don't enjoy biking as much as I used to because of the careless and sometimes intentionally threatening drivers not to mention the lack of consequences that drivers face. Absolute bullsh!t.

Erin said:
Jesus Christ, are our cops completely worthless?
"Earlier in the day, police said the case had yet to be assigned to a detective. They report their records make no mention of the suspect's verbal threats, and that officers only spoke to one of the four possible witnesses."
It was in the 14th and I can tell you from several personal experiences that the 14th district is not bike friendly.

This is only being followed up on because it made the news.


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